August 19, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal--Week #3

In my life this week…I'm thankful for my family and the joy that my boys bring into my life. I've learned of some very scary things that some of my homeschooling friends are dealing with in regards to the health of their children. I thank God that my boys are happy and healthy...even if they drive me nuts sometimes.

In our homeschool this week…we are rowing Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel and Little Britches ADORES this book. He wants to read it every night too and is hoping he can get his daddy to read it tonight for him.

My favorite thing this week was…seeing the joy on Little Britches face when he realized he just matched correctly all his lowercase and uppercase letters!

I’m reading…The Sheriff's Surrender (Book 1 of Ladies Shooting Club) by Susan Page Davis. So far it's very's a Inspirational Historical Fiction Romance. My favorite!


  1. Mike Mulligan was always a favorite of my dad's...and one we plan to row this year. Can't wait!

    Stopping by from Sue's..

  2. Nothing like the look of joy when they do something correctly! How fun!

    Amy @ Missional Mama

  3. Love Mike Mulligan! So glad you are enjoying your homeschooling journey:)


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