August 20, 2011

The Story of Ping

We kicked off our first week of school with our first attempt at using the Five In a Row curriculum for our afternoon activities. Because I only have 3 of the FIAR Vol. 1 books on hand, I decided to start us with The Story of Ping--a children's classic! So here is how we "rowed" our book last week...

Day #1-Geography/Social Studies
We started off reading the book--and then we talked about China and we put our story disk (colored by Little Britches) on our big world map (that REFUSED to lock in place when I pulled it down...grrrr). I decided I need to show Little Britches a round version of the world since he just can't get over how far away China is from us!

Then he colored a little picture of a scene from China--and we took his map and drew in the Yangtze River and the capital Beijing. Little Britches also learned how to say Yangtze (Yang-zee).

Today we did some science experiments! We tested to see what happened when you put oil on paper and then dropped water on it--similar to a duck with water rolling off it's back--I borrowed this idea from Michelle at Delightful Learning.
Day #2 Science
Then we did some Sink or Float testing. Using a worksheet from some the Ping Lapbook Resources @ Homeschool Share, we made predictions, then I rounded up supplies and we went out back to the baby pool and tested them out!
Little Britches had a blast with this part...I'm guessing it had something to do with water? LOL! He enjoyed doing all his testing and marking his results.
Here he is giving his results:

Day #3- Math
We did a nice little worksheet for his math. He enjoyed coloring the ducks and added extra long beaks to several of them.
Day #4- Science/Biology
Today we learned about ducks. I printed off an encyclopedia entry from the computer and we used it to fill in the information on our Duck Classification page. Clearly he couldn't say the words (um neither could I!) but he read the letters to me once I found the answers. Then we found types of ducks and had fun putting that little book together.

Day #5-Art
Our last day was all about coloring. We added a duck picture to a fabulous poem and then finished up our lapbook with a flag, and a picture of Papa (my father) standing on the Great Wall of China.

We had fun with our first row and Little Britches loves the lapbook we put together! All our printouts we got at Homeschool Share for The Story of Ping--except the last one of the great wall. I copied that from a World Countries workbook I bought at the local Dollar Tree.

We are rowing Mike Mulligan right now...I'll let you know how it goes once we are all the way thru it!


  1. This was our first row - brings back some great memories. :) Thank you for sharing. :)

  2. this is awesome. i love the idea of taking one book and thoroughly researching it each day thru the subjects. I'm going to look thru it some more. Do you think it's something you could do on your own or do you need the curriculum?


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