August 2, 2011

The "Not" Back-to-School Blog Hop

Not Back to School Blog Hop

Oooh, I do love me a good blog hop, and what's not to love about one related to homeschooling?

So, Week #1 is all about Curriculums...

So what curriculum are we using here at the farm this year? Well after MUCH debate we decided to start our Homeschooling Adventure with two--My Father's World-Kindergarten and Five-In-A-Row (FIAR).

Why "My Father's World"?
Well, I looked and looked and LOOKED at what seemed like an endless list of curriculums for all the different subjects and just decided that I wanted an all inclusive one for this first year. I knew I wanted one that was Bible Based and after reading the reviews and all the things to be covered in this, I decided to try MFW for our Kindergartener.

When the box came with the materials, he was ready to tear into EVERYTHING and we had to make him leave it alone! LOL! He's dying to get to the ant farm...I am too! In fact I am loving all the little projects included in this curriculum and think (and HOPE!) it will be a good fit.

So why add FIAR?
Well, I really wanted to expand on the Social Studies aspect of the curriculum and I love the way that FIAR incorporates it thru the books. We love to read and visit the library regularly. I was fortunate to have the librarian offer to bring in any of the books on my list that they didn't have yet...and was blessed to find free versions of a lot of them online. So now they are arriving in the mail and my son gleefully tears into the package, and longingly looks at them while I put them up on the shelf! Yep, this is going to be fun!


  1. You'll have to tell me how five in a row is. I have heard good things. Did you do any special pre-school curriculum? My son is four.

  2. I did this blog hop too! Looks great Lisa! I know you'll have a great year, and I look forward to reading about it~

  3. You are going to have such a fun year, Lisa & Seth! I look forward to seeing how it goes.

  4. What a fun blog hop. Have a great year.

  5. (I think I already posted a comment here, but I think the Blogger monster ate it with ketchup. Pardon if I am repeating myself!) I enjoyed reading all about what your family plans to use and learn about this year! I actually found you on the MFW Blogroll, and would love to keep up with you and let our kids learn "together!"
    If you get a chance, you can come visit our place and see what I have gotten us into, LOL!
    Have a great year!

  6. Looks like you have a lot of fun planned for this year!! :-)

  7. Awesome! I am so excited for your adventure!! Prayers for a blessed school year! :)

  8. I'd never heard of Five in a row before - I'll have to check it out. Thank you for sharing your journey. Have a wonderful year

  9. I'm using FIAR with my kinder this year too! Here's to a great year!!!


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