September 26, 2011

Coming up for air...

Oh my. What a crazy week it's been here on the farm! We have been running around like maniacs preparing for my sister-in-laws wedding which occurred yesterday. Since it was here on the farm there was a TON of extra preparation--AND I was in charge of the reception dinner (for 200 guests!) as well as her floral designer! I sang a song for the ceremony and did I mention my two boys were in the wedding too? Talk about crazy! Thankfully it went off smashingly and the farm never looked better! I'm hoping to get a chance to play catch up with homeschooling posts later this week...

Here are a few snapshots of how lovely it went yesterday...
Decorating for the ceremony facing the river next to the was overcast and then turned gorgeous!
 Here is where the reception dinner was held--over in that shed.
We decorated it with twinkle lights and all sorts of country paraphernalia!
 My sister-in-law and her soon to be hubby under the canopy. Isn't her dress gorgeous?
 They were so happy! He didn't see her until she came down the aisle and he was so excited he got all red and flushed!
 The new Mr. & Mrs. (see her bouquet? Sunflowers and daisies!)...this is my Father-in-law and Mother-in-law.

I can't wait until I get my hands on a photo of my boys! They were so handsome! Little Britches pulled Baby Britches and a niece of the groom in a wagon down the aisle! Adorable!

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