September 16, 2011

The Homeschool MOther's Journal--week #4

In my life this week…
Oh I've been getting so excited because we are having FALL weather! We had summer last weekend with 90 degrees and then *CLICK* someone flipped a switch and it's jeans and long sleeves weather--my favorite! I'm so happy that the first day of autumn is just a week away!

In our homeschool this week…
It's all about the letter A and apples! We are rowing How to Make an Apple Pie and see the World at the same time as our MFW-K unit of Aa-Apple! Thankfully it's also APPLE SEASON! Mmm...we taste tested apples today and I reaffirmed that Gala apples really are my most favorite! Yum!

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing
Well my mom flies in next Thursday for my sister-in-laws wedding so we will be VERY happy to see her!

What’s working/not working for us…
We are totally loving our that we are on the brink of reading words, I've been using the whiteboard sooo much more now as we make letter combinations and I jumpstart Little Britches sight words. And he's enjoying using it too...he likes to write on it and then ask me how to spell stuff. Great way to work on his handwriting!

Things I’m working on…
Getting ready for this wedding on the 25th! I'm basically in charge of the food--she's having 200 guests and I have to make sure everything will go as planned with the meal...did I mention we are having it here on the farm???? That brings challenges of it's own! But it's all will be over before we know it and we will be saying "happy landings" to my dear sister-in-law as she leaves beautiful Kentucky and heads to her new life in barren Arizona.

I’m reading…
two books at once. But that's NOTHING new for me. I've been known to have 5 books going at any given time.

I’m cooking…
Well we just finished up taste testing apples---so I'm making applesauce with the leftovers! Yum!

I’m grateful for…
Baby grins and giggles and snuggles...and rings around the bathtub--because that means the boys had a GREAT day outside!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
My boys--ain't they cute?


  1. Looks like a fun and yummy week :) During apple season we visit a local apple orchard weekly to stock up on fresh from the tree apples.

  2. your boys are so cute! we got to live in kentucky for a year (2009) it was a terrific experience- we miss it- but we do love our beaches in southwest FL too!

  3. Apple time is the best! We haven't gone apple picking yet, but I just noticed the signs up today! Next weekend here we come for our bushel of macs! Yum!

  4. Thanks for the homeschool encouragement :)

    I'll a little jealous of your Fall weather...we are still fairly warm this week. Yum on the applesauce.


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