September 16, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. If you had a weekly newspaper column, what would you name it?
Deliciously Simple--I love to cook and I'm always trying to find new recipes that fall under the 30 minutes or less category! I would love to share these with people to help them make yummy meals without a lot of hassle!

2. Who is your mentor/inspiration?
My inspiration...well I'm going to have to say that my inspiration is King David. I mean, that man went thru more trials because of stupid mistakes he made than most--yet he always got on his knees for forgiveness and help from the Lord.

If only I was so quick to do the same...

3. What is your wake up beverage of choice?
Mmm, a delicious ice cold glass of yummy fresh squeezed orange juice! Unless it's fall and winter--then a nice cup of cocoa, lightly laced with coffee and liberally with whipped cream!

4. Would you wear your mom's clothes?
95% of the time I would have to say no...but every now and then she finds something that I would gladly wear! Actually one of her rejects is one of my most favorite cardigans to wear with a skirt to church!

5. When you were a kid, did you put posters on your wall? If so, what were they of?
Yes...but they were volleyball posters. I was a hardcore volleyball fan and so I had pictures of Gabby Reese and the Volleyball "No Fear" posters.

I love the questions we get each week...some of them really make me think! Have a lovely day!


  1. I loved volleyball too!
    The cocoa sounds so yummy!

  2. Stopping by from the 5QF!
    Enjoyed your answers-volleyball was my favorite gym sport a LONG time ago! King David shows us that additude means a lot to God-I sure want Him to continually help me work on mine!
    Have a great weekend!


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