September 9, 2011

Friendly Five Question Friday

Aren't you glad it's Friday??! This week has been so wacky with our crazy overnight fall weather and then the incessant rain day after day...good thing I ADORE fall and I'm used to rain...I grew up in the Pacific Northwest--it's just liquid sunshine!

Let's get down and enjoy...

1. What ringtone do you have on your cell phone?
I am one of those people who have different ringtone's programed for different people. That way I know instantly if it's my hubby or a family member or someone not on my contact list. I'm kinda lazy like that! And what's the ringtone for my hubby (he calls the most)? Amarillo Sky!

2. What is your favorite memory from this summer?
Ooh, that's tough. Probably getting our classroom set up for starting our adventure in homeschooling!

3. Paper books or e-books?
That's rhetorical right? Um hello...PAPER books! I have to hold it in my hand...smell the paper...feel the pages...that I don't own a Kindle or Nook anyways...

4. If you could have one home upgrade what would it be and why?
A room addition to move the classroom OUT of the office and into it's own room so that I could keep everything out and organized all the time.

5. When was your first serious boyfriend/girlfriend?
I was a late dater because I didn't like the boys at school enough to give them my time...AND I was on sports teams, in symphonic band and jazz choir! So my first serious boyfriend wasn't until I was 20!!! And he was the only other boyfriend I ever had besides my hubby! 

Oooh those were good questions! Can't wait to see what will be on the list for next week!

If you are participating in Friendly Friday, here is the link up so you can find your next stop! Thanks so much for coming by!


  1. Saw you on Friendly Friday. Would love for you to follow me back @

  2. Thanks so much for posting our linky. So glad you joined in Friendly Friday. I like your site!
    God bless! :)

  3. See, I want to be someone who has a different ringtone set up for various people on my phone... but I'm too lazy to actually do it. I'm not sure what that says about me, aside from that it's pretty sad that I'm too lazy to do something that would actually help me be lazy... hmmm... :)

    Thanks so much for joining us for Friendly Friday and hosting the linky with us, I hope you're having a great weekend!


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