September 8, 2011

Odds and Ends

It's been a week of odds and ends when it comes to school. Monday we started REALLY late because it was my hubby's birthday and his present to himself was to go in late to work (yes he works on Labor Day!) we enjoyed time with him Monday morning. So we did a really relaxed schedule the rest of that school day. Tuesday was back to normal and we went to the library to find books relating to our Ll-Leaf unit. I will go more into that in my MFW-K Highlights post on Monday.

Weatherwise, we have been jolted into the middle of fall! We had 100 degrees on Friday and Saturday...then it started going down and by Monday it was rainy and a mere 57 degrees! Talk about flipping the switch! As luck would have it our unit had a lot more outdoor activities for the week, so we just put on the rubber books and the raincoats and went outside anyway!

Today was off because I had a much anticipated hair appointment at 9am! Ahh....the joys of someone else messing with my hair! I needed my hair cut and colored pretty bad so it was a must have! The hubby was home and "managed" to take care of the boys for the 3 hours I was gone...then after we ate lunch we did our school.

But the best part of the week was a fabulous win of a giveaway and some fabby finds!

I was blessed to win one of the giveaways by Thanks, Mail Carrier! I won the 3D Feel and Find World Icons by Guidecraft! There were 1063 or so for me to be the randomly draw winner is amazing! I'm so excited to get these for my boys! Xenia has giveaways going ALL THE TIME so make sure you get entered into them if you can!

Now to my frugal finds...I always visit our local Goodwill because you never know what you will find...I love to dig in their books and then just wander...I'm sure glad I did this week! Here are my finds from Tuesday...

Those are 3 great books to add to the collection (A Richard Scary, Amelia Bedelia and a 2nd level reader) and then my best find--sticker shapes for patterns and such! Think sticker Tangrams! 
Each color has a different shape and as you can see only a few were missing from the sheet! I'm so excited about this! What a great find for..did you see it? $1.15!! I spent $2.65 for all of that...

And then I went to the local Dollar General and found this great foam number is Baby Britches enjoying it...
He enjoyed gnawing on them before trying to put them back in their they all have many teeth marks! LOL! I better go back and get him his own set...I mean, why not when it was only $1! I love that it came with the +, - and = signs too! Great for future math problems! I also snagged a package of fake $$$ bills since we will be starting a mini money unit soon--also $1!

So it was an excellent week of randomness!

Tune in tomorrow for my Five Question Friday post!

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