October 24, 2011

Back to the Daily Grind...sorta

Hello to all my friends in blogworld! We had a super fabulous and inspiring Feast of Tabernacles this year. So exciting to be able to celebrate it with about 475 other brethren! Our messages were incredible and I have a long list of things I want to dig into in the Bible as well as things to work on in my life!

We are finally back to a "normal" week--except Littlbe Britches has pink eye in BOTH eyes. He's a very sad little fella with super swollen eyes right now. I'm pulling out all my remedies from eye washes to raw potato compresses hoping to get this under control ASAP! Not to mention keep it from spreading to Baby Britches or myself! I'm super sensitive to it so I'm ultra paranoid right now! We are washing hands like crazy!

If I can't get it under control by tomorrow, I'll get him to the pediatrician for some medicated eyedrops. Little Britches is one of those kind of people who cannot STAND to have anything put into his eyes. He goes crazy if water of any kind gets in it...so to intentionally drip something in just sets him off! Not cool.

So I would love prayers on our behalf so we can get this thing out of here soon and before anyone else gets it!

Hopefully later this week I can update with pictures of things from our feast trip and the schooling we did while we were attending.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Looking forward to your updated with pictures.


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