October 28, 2011

Just a visitor...

So ever since Saturday, I have been living in a sick house! Thank the Lord I'm just a visitor--as all the others are sick except for me! Mommy doesn't have time to be sick when her boys are sick! Little Britches is on the road to recovery--now only a lingering cough. Baby Britches however is quite ill with severe congestion which makes him have breathing trouble. Poor fella is quite pathetic. And to top it all off, the King of this castle came home sick on Wednesday too! Talk about overload! I've been living on Vitamin C, Zinc and Echinacea as well as drinking Raw Apple Cider vinegar tea and using my Neti Pot! I'm determined to kick any germs in the butt!

I am so looking forward to attending church tomorrow just to get out of the house and see people!!!

We missed a whole week of school due to the sickies so I'm looking forward to starting back up on Monday--I need my normal routine again!

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