January 9, 2012

Exciting Non-Homeschooling News!

Most of you probably do not know that I design and sell handmade greeting cards as my *other* hobby. I also create for a rubber and digital stamp company as well as work for two other design teams for online crafting blogs to showcase different companies products.


Good news came in my email inbox today. 
Excellent news. 
As in rock my socks news!

Yes yes yes! I received notice that on Sunday the 15th, Scrapbook News and Review Online Magazine will be featuring FOUR--count them--FOUR of my creations! You could have knocked me over with feather! I read and re-read the email about 10 times. And then printed it to keep forever! LOL! It's been fun putting in the "Out for Publication" image they gave in all the places the creations were showing online. Once the magazine is LIVE, I will let you know where you can find my stuff and it will be so awesome to see my name in PRINT!!!

Now I can finally say "why yes, I HAVE been published!"

What a great start to my week!

If you are interested to see a few of the creations I have for sale, feel free to check them out in the widget in the top right corner of this blog--or just come check them out in my store: Lisabee's Little Stampin Shop! I also do commission, so if you want a special card for that special someone or event, please feel free to send me an email.


  1. YAY!!1 *Claps*! That is absolutely amazing. You totally deserve it. I also wanted to ask you to participate in my getting to know you post if you can find the time. Here is the link. K:)

  2. Congratulations!!! I'll have to check out your links :)


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