January 13, 2012

Our First Sensory Box!

I have admired all the lovely sensory bins/boxes that I've seen across the homeschooling blog world...so I finally decided to make one myself. I don't have the money to go buy things to put in it--so I dug into my pantry and junk drawer and was amazed at what came together! LOL!

Here is a glimpse of the bin...
Just so you can see that anyone could make one without spending any money, here is a list of what I used...

* A large Gladware Rectangular Container w/lid--about the size of a shoebox
* popcorn kernels (we have blue popcorn!)
* dried penne
* fabric and paper flowers
* the measuring lids from cough syrup containers
* a metal spoon with holes
* a handful of shells
* a matchbox car
* a small chipboard Thomas the Train from a book
* a plastic fork
* a couple popsicle sticks

And boy, I barely had the blanket spread out and the lid open before Baby Britches plopped down and dug in!
He played for a solid 45 minutes without making a sound as he poured and scooped! It was LOVELY!!! Then as soon as Little Britches had recess, he zoomed down to play with him! LOL!

I had to run out to the store, so I popped into the Family Dollar Store and bought two things to add...a package of rubber jacks w/ball ($1) and a super small funnel (Set of 3 for $1). I also found some extra laundry detergent scoops in my laundry room that I cleaned and added! So an nice full sensory bin that cost me a whole $2.00!!

So if you have been wanting to make one, but were bummed because you didn't have the money to spend on it, you would be surprised at what you can find around your house to make one for free!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! My daughters LOVE the sensory bins.


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