January 30, 2012

A little behind...

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've been very busy and trying to stay caught up on our lessons. As part of my application of what I'm learning in my daily Good Morning Girls Bible Study, I've been trying to use the computer less...but that wasn't supposed to mean getting behind in my posts! LOL! I promise that I will try to get caught up even if it means posting daily! We only have 8 more weeks of My Father's World-Kindergarten left--where DID the time go?

Now on top of the daily things I have to start thinking about what we are going to do for (dare I say it?) FIRST grade! I'd be interested in hearing what you did for your children to move from Kindergarten to First Grade...did you use the same curriculum? Did you start a math program? Any advice would be very welcome!

We are also looking for a good Science program...I'm considering purchasing a basic Science kit so that we have test tubes, beakers and such...any suggestions?

Well I'll say goodnight, but tomorrow afternoon I should have 1 if not 2 posts ready to go to try to catch us up from some of our super fun weeks with MFW-K!


  1. I am busy planning Arin's 1st grade curriculum too. Can't wait to see what you are choosing.

  2. I am WAYYYYY behind. Trying to catch up and I do still want to order those composition books :) I will be in touch late next week.

  3. I have always loved Rod & Staff 1st grade math. My children have a good foundation in Mathematics once they are finished. They then move into Math U See.


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