January 16, 2012

But you O Lord, are a shield about me...

Today was the first day of a new Bible Study group I'm participating in called Good Morning Girls. A group of fellow homeschooling moms and I are corresponding thru a 12 week study on the book of Ephesians and each of us has a journal of sorts that we use to record our daily thoughts. Some just printed the provided binder pages...but I like lines to write on, so I am using a composition notebook. I gleefully decorated my notebook today pulling out all sorts of stash that I've been "saving" and just going whole hog since it's mine...all mine! LOL!
(click on the picture for a larger shot)
I made the bow wrap all the way around so that I could tie it up after each study session...
I think it adds a fun element to getting ready for study each time.
Here is a closeup of the quote panel (it's 4" x 6") so you can see the bling I added as well as the faux stitching...pictures don't do this notebook justice of all the sparkles I added!
I decided on this wonderful scripture stamp Psalm 3:3--one of favorites!

I wish I had a bigger photo booth for taking a decent picture of this...but sadly I don't and it's a rainy winter day so the natural light stinks right now...trust me when I say, that pictures REALLY don't do this baby justice and I'm just tickled to death with it!

Are you interested in seeing some more of the paper crafting that I do?
Come check out my Etsy Shop and see if something strikes your fancy!
I also do custom orders if you have something special in mind! Just send me an email regarding your request to lisabeestampin (at) yahoo (dot) com and I'll be work with you to create something perfect!



  1. Gorgeous! Do you make these for sale?

  2. Hi Lisa,

    I found you through the MFW-K yahoo group! We're doing K this year as well with my oldest and are having a blast! I'm also doing the Good Morning Girls Ephesians study too with a few other homeschoolers. It's fun seeing who else is doing the same study :) Great blog!


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