February 8, 2012

Farm Animals Part 1: Cc Cow

Okay I admit. This week was rather boring...I mean we live on a cattle farm, so there isn't much we didn't already know about cows! So we spent more time on specific details we needed to review...and choosing to focus on dairy cows.

Thanks to Homeschoolshare.com I was able to get some good information about dairy cows and we used that in our studies...including our math for the week..we did some story problems using our new fact about cows and how much water they have to drink to make milk.

Here is the Milk Products collage Little Britches made using one of my old cooking magazines--
He was so worried about cutting my magazines--I told him I didn't need them anymore, but he didn't believe me...LOL!

Here are some other things we worked on...
And last but none the least, here is Baby Britches doing his "schoolwork"...
I'll be sharing our last Farm Animal unit Hh Horse in our next post...

Homeschoolshare.com ~ search for "cow"

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