February 12, 2012

Biting the bullet...

It's the time again...we are needing to buy our next curriculum. Why is it so hard to push the "process order" button on your orders? I see the cost and think...man. Seriously? But then I have to remind myself that this is for my firstborn and I'll be able to use all my materials (hopefully) for my other son and any other future children God would bless us with...but still...why is it so hard?

The thing I hate the most is that you KNOW it's money well spent...and that you probably spend MORE than that on frivolous things...so why is it STILL so hard to do it? It's cheaper then the cost of tuition at private schools. So I guess you have to just think of it as an investment into your child's future...

So that's why I'm just going to...

leave my products in my "shopping cart" a little longer...

I need to talk myself into this more before I actually do it...

I know I will do it...

just not...

right now...



  1. LOL, Lisa! What are you ordering? Maybe I can help - encouraging you at least. =)

  2. I just went through this! I ordered last week, but things had been in my various shopping carts for MONTHS! lol. Good luck!

  3. Will you be sharing what you are ordering? I am working on our curriculum choices for next year too!


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