February 13, 2012

Farm Animals Part 2: Hh Horse

After Cc Cow comes Hh Horse in the My Father's World Kindergarten Curriculum...
We started with our typical Daily Notebook for our Calendar--I thought I'd share a couple pictures of it today.. Both boys usually start at their desks. Little Britches is using his overhead marker to write on the sheet protectors. Here he's copying his days of the week.
One of the things we also do is a daily drawing page...usually I get four days of a John Deere Tractor--but this week, he changed it up and did a tractor, a barge, our family and our house.
For our horse unit, we spent most of our time talking about how important horses used to be in society...and comparing it to now.
We made a chart comparing what we can do with a car and what we could do with horse...I copied down exactly what Little Britches told me on most of them...
 We really didn't do anything highly exciting this week...one of our slow weeks. We are also reading Black Beauty, so it was easy to reference things from our story to our discussions.

Our next post will move to the Wild Animals...starting with Ee Elephant!



  1. i love love love these posts!!! Thank you for sharing. Looking forward so much to getting our curriculum.

  2. This looks wonderful! You guys did a great job of comparing horses to cars. I wanted to do that but I (embarrassingly) had a hard time thinking of more than just a couple differences. I should have come read your list!


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