May 24, 2012

Quiet Time...

I decided a couple weeks ago that I wanted to put together a study group with friends and sisters in Christ to explore the Good Morning Girls Summer Session--Proverbs 31: One Virtue at a Time. I had a fantastic response and we are now finishing out week #1 with a group of about 30 women and girls. I just wanted to share where I go for my quiet time--every morning from 7am-8am before my boys get up.

I like to sit at the kitchen table to that I have room to spread out with my "stuff". I use my laptop for my commentaries and word history...but I love my New King James wide margin Bible because of all the notes I have in the margins. I use it to go on rabbit trails so I can make notes for connecting topics and scriptures.

And I have altered another notebook for my study notes. You can see the one I used for my Ephesians study HERE. For me, there is just something special about having a special thing to record all your thoughts in. Here is what it looks like:
I love untying that bow every morning...It's like a study diary. When I was altering this notebook (it's just a plain old black composition notebook) I knew what stamp I was going to feature on the front...
One from Proverbs 31 of course! My goal is that by the end of the study I will be closer to fulfilling this verse!

Thanks for popping by parents will be here tomorrow, so I'm hoping to have some good pictures of the boys to share with you next week! We started our summer break tomorrow afternoon!

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