June 4, 2012

Time for reflection...

My sister-in-laws wedding was yesterday. It was beautiful, the weather was perfect and everything went smashingly according to plan! It takes a long time to plan...and then in 1 hour or less, everything you've planned has come to fruition--she was stunned that after waiting for 29 years to find her Prince Charming, she's now MRS. Charming and moving into a new stage in her life...

But as you can see from this picture...she's eager to do so!
Photo courtesy of Julie Lamm
I love weddings...it's a time for reflection. I like to ask myself if I still am doing my part of the commitment I made to my husband. Do I still love him even in his moments of weakness or frailty? Do I still submit to him even when asked to make sacrifice? How am I doing in regards to Proverbs 31:12 (my verse for the GMG study says this morning) which says  "She does him good and not evil All the days of her life."

Am I finding ways to do him good? Even when I'm feeling bad? Or cranky? Or just "not in the mood"? I came home from the wedding determined to show my husband AGAIN that I DO mean every word I agreed to at our wedding ceremony nearly 10 years ago. This week I'm going to try to go out of my way to find ways to INTENTIONALLY "do good"...even when I don't feel like it or want to.

This means I have to "knuckle down, buckle down, do it...do it...do it.."
(yeah, I was a cheerleader in my former days...)

So I'm taking it to God and asking for His help...because He's going to have to help me make some changes...and we all know how much we each like to change...LOL!

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