July 27, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal~ July 27th

In my life this week…
We've been enjoying RAIN!!!! My garden is going crazy now...I do believe I have a cucumber jungle. Problem is that I don't even LIKE cucumbers! LOL! But my mother-in-law adores them and promises to do her part. And we all love pickles...so we will be pickling most of these babies.

In our homeschool this week…
We didn't do anything for homeschooling...however, I enjoyed working on cleaning up our bulletin boards and getting the calendar ready. I put up our new borders (vehicles!!) and put away a lot of other things. I still don't have my Kindergarten stuff sorted and officially *put away* yet. I need to go through it and pull out my favorite things from each unit to save for a portfolio of sorts.

My favorite thing this week was…
picking my vegetables and visiting the local Farmer's Market for the other veggies we didn't grow ourselves. I have a serious bowl of banana peppers that need to be chopped up...boy are they strong smelling! Half of them are hot and half are mild...but they look identical! LOL! So I'll just whack them all up and put them together in my bag in the freezer. I did use the little sweet ones in some fajitas for my husband and I this week. Oh wow. Soooo good!

Things I’m working on…
my schedule. I have GOT to get a schedule that I can stick to and use every day. Once homeschooling starts I'm going to have to find a way to juggle my time to meet all my responsibilities. To give you an idea, I not only will be starting back up homeschooling for a 1st grader and a Toddler, but I also teach piano (about 8 students), am a social media director and designer for the paper crafting magazine Designed to Color, am the bookkeeper for our cattle business, and then I am a stay-at-home mom! I need to find a schedule I can keep...I have the tendency to make them, but then *forget* about them. I need to lay out a week of my time...scheduling in even time for the internet--for cleaning--for RESTING! LOL! Does such a schedule exist? Do you use one?

I’m reading…
Proverbs 31...but am almost done with my study. In other reading, I am enjoying book #3 of the Pine Ridge Portraits series by Stephanie Whitson. 
I adore historical fiction and especially historical inspirational fiction. This is a good series and the author is one of my favorites.

I’m cooking…
Let's see...this week I made bread, banana bread, squash casserole, fajitas, grilled chicken, salad dressing and a TON of pitchers of sweet tea!

I’m grateful for…
I'm grateful for my children. This week was VERY hard. First we started with Baby Britches having what appears to have been a 24 hr flu. I even had to clean up puke. I hate puke. LOL! But he got well quickly and no one else has come down with it, thank you Lord!!! The rest of the week, both boys were testing. Both boys pushed me to the LIMIT. I had a showdown with Little Britches...he was testing his boundaries to see how much he could get away with. Thankfully, both boys only do this every now and then. And once it's done, their behavior is exceptional. But while it's happening-- Oh what an attitude tester it is for ME! But I am very very grateful that I HAVE my boys. That they are healthy enough to GIVE me attitude. That I am blessed with their little arms to wrap around me. Dirty faces to kiss.

I’m praying for…
Patience, dilligence, self-control...of let's just do all the Fruits of the Spirit!! I need a big dose of each one right now...

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
"For peace of mind, resign as general manager of the universe." ~Author Unknown

"O Sovereign LORD, You have only begun to show Your greatness and the strength of Your hand to me, Your servant. Is there any god in heaven or on earth who can perform such great and mighty deeds as You do?" Deuteronomy 3:24 (NLT)
Shabbot Shalom!

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