August 4, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal~ Aug. 4th

  • In my life this week...
    We had a great week. I was happy to have a lot of my piano students start back up. I love teaching them and I love the bit of extra money I can make. It makes me feel like I'm contributing to our houehold more when I can use the money I make for groceries and such. I have a couple more students who will be coming back over the next two weeks so I'll have a nice full schedule. (gulp!)

  • In our homeschool this week…
    We are starting back up with our school schedule! We chose to take off several weeks for a summer vacation, but now it's time to get back to the swing of we will start with a couple short days before we get our full days in gear.

  • Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
    Make sure you go visit Target stores right now. They have their $1 bins full of various school goodies from flashcards to workbooks to dry erase is a great way to get some things to add to your "classroom". I found some dry erase pockets made so you can slide a sheet in and then your child can write on the pocket. It is a thicker pocket, so it is a lot more sturdy. I snagged 3 of those! They are going to save me a lot of money on paper!

  • I am inspired by…
    The families where there are several kids of different ages being homeschooled. I'm already *dreading* that this year I'm doing 1st grade with Tot School! LOL!

  • Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
    I am excited that my husband just surprised me with a trip to Fort Boonesboro! It's a State Park in Kentucky and the Fort is named for Daniel Boone who lived in that area. I've never been there and this weekend they are having a special Back to School program. So it's a pre-school field trip! Tomorrow is also my baby's it's a fun trip for us all! I plan on snagging some of the handmade candles and soap they make and sell!

  • I’m cooking…
    Well, yesterday I made my husband is favorite Mile High Fudge Brownie Pie. So yummy and good!

  • I’m grateful for…
    the ability to meet each week at church with my brothers and sisters in Christ! I need them so much!

  • I’m praying for…
    Some dear friends who are going through an incredible amount of stress.

  • A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
One of our 15 baby watermelons! I can't wait for them to get ripe! We love watermelon!

1 comment:

  1. So nice that you can teach piano. I love watermelon, too! We are about to eat some, as a matter of fact. Lol. I hope yours that you're growing come to fruition and will be very tasty. Hope Father and our Lord Salvation will greatly bless your week!


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