October 12, 2012

Back in the swing of things...

Ah. It is always nice to come home after a long trip. We arrived home on Tuesday night and everyone went straight to bed! Then Wednesday and Thursday I dealt with the men in my life who all had head colds. My husband was the worst, but thankfully he is FINALLY doing better! We always go homeopathic for treating our colds and this year we added Elderberry Cough Syrup and a "miracle" tea by Traditional Medicinals called Organic Echinacea Elder. Oh man. That tea has been a lifesaver! It works great especially when you add a dollop or two of honey. My boys have been drinking it like it's going out of style and really it's the only thing that is helping! Thankfully everyone seems to be doing a lot better and I got the best sleep I've had in a very long time last night.

We are eager to start a new week on Monday and get back into the swing of homeschooling. We had a nice break and spent a lot of time with focused learning about God and His Word while we were gone...now we are going to work on applying what we learned!

There were a few trials that occurred while we were attending the feast--the main one is that I had a miscarriage on the first Sunday we were gone. That is the day before the Feast started so it was quite a challenge to focus myself. But I prayed and walked and meditated with our Almighty Father and Comforter every day and just asked that He would help me to find joy every day. And He did. He showed me so many things to be thankful for and I was granted peace almost immediately during the trial. Satan could not rob me of being able to rejoice at the Feast! Through the sermons and hymns I was granted healing words and comfort beyond what I could have hoped and prayed for. I am grateful that our most wonderful Father allowed me to have this trial while surrounded by family and friends instead of being home alone. It truly helped the healing process move so much faster. I was also early--just 7 weeks--so my body was able to do what God made it to do on its own. I told myself that first day that if our mighty Lord wants me to have another baby, NOTHING will stop it from happening. But obviously we are saddened by our loss since we have been trying for quite awhile (since February 2011) to add to our family again. But as you and I know and draw comfort from, God is in control and if He wills it...it will be done in HIS time which will be the PERFECT time.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to [His] purpose." 
Romans 8:28


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