October 19, 2012

School Days~ Oct 15-19 (Week #8)

Oct 15-19-Week #8

Little Britches

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.
Proverbs 29:11

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Proverbs 12:18

Bible Activity
Learned how to draw a map of the Holy Land using a cute little Fisherman Story. This was a great idea and Little Britches caught on very very fast. He also learned the naming phrase "ET purrs in the red nile med". Now when we see pictures of the Holy Land it is MUCH easier to identify! I'm in the process of drawing a larger one and laminating it for reference as we go along.


We learned great helps for figuring out these sounds. I love the way they teach this part of the phonics! We review the cORn and cAR words in the booklets he has. We also did the Word Family letter strip for AR that I printed off last year. I actually printed, cut out and laminated all these word family strips. Great resource!

Reviewing shapes and beginning our Addition chapter

The favorite activity this week was the "Roll a Sum" one. I have big blue dice that I found at the Dollar Tree. I gave them to him and had him roll them and write the numbers down. Then add them all up when he was done. He got into this and even let Baby Britches have a die to throw! LOL! I'll be pulling this back out for sure on the days when we need to "lighten up" math.

We also used these GREAT wood disks for counters. My mom found bags and bags of them at Goodwill for pennies and asked if I wanted them--Absolutely! So he enjoys using them for his counters. Especially since they are two sided.

Baby Britches uses them to practice putting things into slots. I made him a "token bank" from an old sour cream container and he LOVES dropping them in and then taking them out and doing it again.

We also started working on the +1 facts...I let Little Britches go through his number ring for those facts. He did it very easily.

Covering the story of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel from the Bible.
We are using THIS LESSON for this study.

Things Outdoors pg 22-23 USBOURNE
We learned about how rivers are created, and how they get polluted. We identified the things on our own river which can cause pollution.

Experiment: Made a water filter to see how the river cleanses water as it washes downstream.

(giggle) This didn't exactly have the result we were looking for. I totally forgot that OUR sand is 75% sand and 25% DIRT. So imagine our surprise when our water was DIRTIER than it was when it started! LOL! So we discussed the reasons and determined we would re-do this experiment with GOOD SAND at another time.
 Getting the water for the experiment
 Submitting a hypothesis
Pouring the water into our "filter"

Canyons and Valleys (Beginning Geography K-2)
We learned the difference between a canyon and a valley. Then viewed photos of the Grand Canyon and the Yosemite Valley. We colored pictures for each landform.

My mother-in-law is working on maps with Little Britches. She had him put together a map puzzle of the United States. Then she had him use tracing paper and trace our state (Kentucky) and the ones around it. She wants him to be able to find our state on any US map--especially when it's shown on the weather channel.

Read Aloud
Mouse and the Motorcycle. We love this book, but it had been awhile since we had read it--and we hadn't finished it yet. You can imagine how happy Little Britches was to pick it back up. We are only a couple chapters from the end so we should be finishing it up on Monday. I think we will start up the second book in the series after this one is completed. He just loves reading about Ralph.

There is our week! It was so nice to be back in the groove again. We are working on great things and all this focused attention on letter combination sounds has helped Little Britches gain confidence in his reading. I let him keep his Reading Chart (from the MFW-1st grade) with him when he reads his books aloud. I've seen him glance at it a few times--especially for the new "er" sound. I'm so happy that he's not complaining as much when it comes to picking books from his book basket to read.

Baby Britches

We did the token slot bank I mentioned above. We also enjoyed playing with the new wooden block set I found for $5 at a store nearby. This keeps him amused for quite awhile right now--and the big boy too! LOL!


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