January 28, 2013

Homeschool Mother's Journal~ Jan 28th

  • In my life this week…I am thankful for the warmer weather we are having right now! We've had two weeks of 20 degrees or less---and now it's already 60 degrees! My boys have cabin fever and I will be so happy to send them OUTSIDE for recess today!

  • In our homeschool this week…we are just continuing our My Father's World curriculum. We are on Day 91-95 and learning more about the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness, geometry, and reading of course. Also moving ahead in our Geography and Story of the World.

  • Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…well, it's not happening this week, but we did get lined up for a field trip in Cincinnati with other homeschool families to visit the Planetarium. And we are working on a trip down to South Carolina in April to visit my aunt and her family!

  • Things I’m working on…include continuing my Bible Study on Collossians, daily prayers for patience, and trying to get to bed at a better time each night. I have the tendency to stay up too late--especially on the nights my husband works away from home.

  • I’m cooking…hmmm...I am thinking about making some mexican rice to go with our leftover fajita chicken. I want to try the Pinterest recipe for Breakfast Muffins as well as test out the homemade Cheese-It recipe I have.

  • I’m grateful for…good health and the love and prayers of friends.

  • I’m praying for…my sweetheart. He threw his back out yesterday--very badly actually--and though he says he feels better, I don't trust him to take it easy at work this week. So I'm praying that he will be smart and not do too much.

  • A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

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