January 20, 2013

Homeschooling Mother's Journal~ Jan 20th

In my life this week…I have many things to do--plan out the music for the groups I'm working with for the Spring Holy Days, make up my annual Spring Holy Days greeting cards to give and to sell, make a host of cards (or find some I've already made) to send out to some shut-ins, and then the normal everyday SAHM stuff.

In our homeschool this week…I see us hopefully staying on schedule all week. We have readings about Moses all week and the 10 plagues. We also have our Continent work to finish and the next chapter of Story of the World.

My favorite thing this week was…hearing Little Britches just picking up things like ads to read...or reading signs or brand names. What a nice feeling that is to see your child R-E-A-D!

Things I’m working on…patience and diligence. These two traits are what I need to work on above all the rest right now. Patience for people and things. And diligence to follow thru on my plans and commitments.

I’m cooking…I have a new made from scratch Cheeze-It recipe I snagged off of Pinterest that I'm dying to try and I want to make a banana breakfast muffin recipe I saw there too. You can find both of these recipes on my Good Eats Pinterest Board.

I’m grateful for…continued good health! We had a short virus hit Little Britches last week and gave him nearly every symptom possible from fever to rash to vomiting...but it was relatively mild and gone in 4 days. And I'm soooo grateful it wasn't worse and that no one else came down with it!

I’m praying for…emotional strength! I have been helping many friends bear burdens right now and there are days when my "shoulders" start getting really really heavy. So then I remember to take it to God and the Father grants me the strength I need to stand up tall and keep encouraging them to walk on!

Something I am ogling or have my eye on…oh I'm seriously checking out two things. #1 is a juicer for our family. My boys love smoothies and drinks and I have Baby Britches who is super picky but loves drinking things. I think with a juicer I could get him the vegetables he needs in a form he will enjoy! Not to mention we are planning a huge vegetable garden for this year and it will be a nice asset! So we are shopping around trying to find a great one for a not-too-expensive price. The other item I'm eyeing is an enameled cast iron dutch oven...this one is my personal choice:
Oh I just love the bright Caribbean Blue color--though a Red one would make me happy too. But I've gotten so many recipes that require this item and I just can't make them right now! I'm seriously hoping to convince my hubby that I *need* it to ensure continued nutritious meals--especially on Friday night! Because I could just fill full of all sorts of good stuff and let it cook until Sabbath dinner!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

This song has touched my heart since the first time I heard that last two lines...I could have written it myself and I hope you enjoy it.


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