January 1, 2013

Exploring a World of Color: The Best Unit from 2012

Last year we were mostly focused on finishing our My Father's World Kindergarten curriculum. I thought it would be fun to share photos from our most favorite units. Out of the 26 units we completed, I think we both enjoyed Yy Yellow Paint the most because we explored the world of color.

Here are some photos from that unit...

Learning about the different levels of color and finally getting to use this great poster that came with a book we've had for a long time! We love the birds on this poster!

Making our own paint palette color wheel...
So we can paint of course!
A beautiful rainbow and an example of using warm colors and cool colors.
We continued working with the color wheel---
Always enjoy adding in colorful candies!

We even went to an advanced color wheel with the primary, secondary and tertiary colors!
And we discovered we had crayons for every petal on the color wheel flower!
Speaking of crayons...we decided it was time to make some new ones!
We put them in miniature muffin tin cups so they would be easier for little fingers to handle...
And we love coloring with them! Baby Britches uses them the most though.

Our final project was making a color ribbon mobile---thank you Pinterest!

Little Britches decided it was a rainbow jellyfish...it adds a lot of color to our classroom!
Baby Britches loves it too--he likes running his fingers through the ribbon best.

The main book we read--with it having both English and Spanish, we practiced the color words in both languages. It is a very beautiful book!
As you can see, we had a colorful time learning about colors--and with all these activities, it's easy to see why it was our favorite!


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