May 31, 2013

Five Question Friday for May 31st

Time for a random question post with...

1. What is an acceptable age for girls to start dating?
Um...well. I don't have girls right now but if I did...first let me say that we prefer COURTSHIP to dating. In our family you don't date for the fun of it. You COURT for marriage. We would not encourage courtship until about age 21. Though if my husband had a daughter to deal with--he'd change that to like...never. LOL!

2. Do you think your kids should have summer homework?
Well, since we homeschool, they have no choice! We do at least 1 day a week of some form of school during the summer. I find the retention is MUCH greater this way.

3. Would you prefer to live without AC or heat?
Oh now that is tough. I am going to say without AC---as long as I have WATER! I have lived without AC before...both here in Kentucky and back in Washington. It can be done. But I can't live without heat!

4. What the worst thing about staying in a hotel? (Besides not being with your family)
Usually the beds. I can tolerate about everything else. But if the bad is bad....

5. So, do your kids really get "104 days of summer vacation"?
Um, see answer to question #2! Haha. But we typically end our "normal" school beginning of June and don't pick it back up until beginning of August.

Have a most excellent weekend!

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