June 3, 2013

Homeschooling Mother's Journal ~ June 3rd

I love checking in with The Homeschooling Mother's Journal each week!
  • In my life this week…
  • I am getting ready for Father's Day by making some more cards. I have an order to get mailed out today or tomorrow and then my own to mail out next weeek!
  • In our homeschool this week…
  • We are trying to finish up for the year! We are nearing the end of our boxed curriculum...just a few days left and we will be taking the summer off! I admit. I am SOOO ready!
  • Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • Just two more weeks and we will be heading out west to Washington to visit my family! I'm ready for a vacation!
  • My favorite thing this week was…
  • having my hubby home from work to complete our first round of hay season...and seeing more of my garden coming up!
  • My kiddos favorite thing this week was…
  • having daddy home to play with of course!
  • Things I’m working on…
  • catching up my Ephesians study...
  • I’m cooking…
  • up sunscreen? Does that count? Hahha. I'm working on making my own sunscreen and my own shampoo!
  • I’m praying for…
  • strength to stay on task this week!
  • A photo…
This is a photo I took yesterday out in the garden. This is a strong little watermelon sprout reaching for the sun! I just couldn't believe how perfect this photo capture that first moment! To make it even more remarkable...it's a seed we saved from last years watermelon crop! Our first family "heirloom"!

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