August 2, 2013

Five Question Friday (5QF) for August 2nd

1. What is on your Summer 2013 bucket list?
Go camping! We haven't gone yet this year and I want to go realllllllllly bad! We love camping but this summer has been nuts!

2. What is the most useless item on your child's back to school list?
Um, nothing? LOL! When we homeschool we can make our OWN back to school lists!

3. What is the one reality TV show that makes no sense to you?
Just one????????????????????? REality TV, how I loathe you...let me count the ways...

4. What is one movie you can watch over and over again? Why?
Oh my. There are so many! But my favorites:
#1 Anne of Green Gables. Gilbert Blythe....the end.
#2 Pride and Prejudice...Mr. Darcy...enough said. But only the BBC miniseries version because Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy takes it to a whole new level of awesome.
#3 High Society...Grace Kelly, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby...need I say more?

5. What's your favorite back to school tradition?
Even though we homeschool, we still make a list of B2S supplies we will need and go shopping like everyone else! Nothing like a brand new box of crayons and a shiney new folder!

Have a blessed and beautiful day!

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