August 9, 2013

I'm back...and trying to catch up!

Whew! I didn't have time to set up any posts this week so I'm sure many of you were wondering what happened to me! LOL! Fear not! I didn't disappear for good--I just went to summer camp with my son. We traveled up to camp with a friend and her son who came up from Georgia. It was an absolute blast and we all had a wonderful time and are eager to sign up for next year! I will be sharing some photos from our adventure on Tuesday as part of the Real Life Homeschooling blog hop.

But here is a pic of Little Britches and I on one of the mornings of camp--

I was one of the fortunate moms there who had a child who actually acknowledged them during camp. LOL! He found me at every meal to give me a hug, a smile and a kiss and then hurried back to his dorm buddies. It warmed my heart that he still wanted to give me love even though he was surrounded by his friends...of course I hear that might change when he gets a bit older---but I will happily enjoy it now!

We experienced TRUE evidence of God's protection at camp this year...we had a very scary situation that could have ended badly, but thanks to God it did not and everyone just has an adventure to talk about. I will discuss that more in another post because it truly was amazing...

So for now, have a fabulous Friday and a most excellent weekend! I am STILL doing laundry and putting things away so I will keep on catching up so I can get back into the blogging world ASAP!

May you have a most blessed day!

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