November 26, 2013

Poppins Book Nook for November~ Pets/Animals

If you are here for the first time, let me give you a run down on what the Poppins Book Nook is all about. We are a group of Homeschooling Bloggers who work around a book theme each month. On the last Monday of the month we come together to share with you what books we read about that theme...and share any activities, field trips, crafts, etc that we might have done relating to that theme! Because our books are for ages PreK to 12th, visiting each blog in the blog hop lets you get a plethora of ideas for your children regardless of their age!

Last month's theme was all about the Seasons, but this month it's all about Pets/Animals!!

Do you have pets? We own cattle as part of our farm, but we don't consider them pets. We do have a great tomcat and recently acquired a rabbit. We are cat people. But only if they are useful. As in they live outside and keep our property free from stray mice, birds and other rodents. And we're fortunate to have a rockin' farmcat who takes his job very seriously. Even disappearing for up to a week on hunting excursions and bringing us back demonstrations of his trip. LOL!

(I could do without those on my front porch!)

But we love our cat. All of the cats we've had over the last 6 years have all been orange. We have a thing for orange barn cats. This last cat is Well we just call him "Cat" actually. No one remembers what his name ever was and he comes when we call him so I guess that's all that matters right?! LOL!
"Hello! I am cute! You love me! Feed me!"
 Anyways, he's a great cat. Very gentle with the boys. Has a loud purr and fluffy fur. We love him and he loves us. The boys love to sit on the porch with him on their laps...or play in the sandpile with him keeping them company.
He's my baby. I give him PLENTY of attention and he eats it up as you can see here. He adores ear scratches. And you can see he's making what we call "pancakes" on my leg. LOL!
The rabbit is a new adventure. We have a small hutch and Little Britches feeds her every day. I like to save parts of my produce to share with her. It's fascinating to watch her eat. And she's VERY soft!
She's even fluffier and fatter now that we've been giving her all sorts of produce treats!
She also comes right over to the edge of her hutch when she sees you coming because no one can help bringing her things--even just a handful of weeds from the yard!

The two books we read for this month relating to pets were:

The boys enjoyed this one. I would read them the statement for examination (eg. Dog's Noses are always Wet: True or False?) and then they would yell out their answer. Naturally Baby Britches just yelled out whatever his brother did--or just ignored us and started tell me about the animal in the picture. It was a great way to learn a handful of random facts about several different animals that are kept as pets. The answers were given on a separate page and included lots of data including an extra fun fact. 

(Did you know that mommy Hamsters if frightened will put their babies inside the pouches in their cheeks??!)

Our other book was a super fun and cute fiction story...
Frog, Where Are You? (by Mercer Mayer)

This book was chosen more for Baby Britches, though Little Britches enjoyed it too. We didn't even know Mercer Mayer had written it until I mentally noted that the illustrations were very familiar. There are NO words in this book making it a treat for the eyes. It follows the adventures of a boy, his dog and his new pet frog.

You can read my complete review on this book over at The Library Adventures!

We didn't do any further activities other than go outside and spend time with both the cat and rabbit which the boys always enjoy.

In general, we love books with animals prominently featured! In fact I think they are the first choice when hunting for new books to add to our stash from the library!

It's time for this month's giveaway! We have a beautiful book all about animals that I am sure your family will love to add to your collection! 

Simply use the widget below to get entered!

Why not check out what my fellow co-hosts have put together for you this month?

Do you have any blog posts about pets or activities with animals? Feel free to share them with us!


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