November 3, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal for 11/3

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  In my life this week…
We are enjoying the stunning autumn weather! After a serious windstorm this past week, we lost a lot of the loose leaves, but there are still plenty of vibrant rust and orange left on the tree! On our way home yesterday it just glowed in the sunset.

  In our homeschool this week…
We are shifting into our studies of the 1700’s this week. Little Britches really enjoys our read-aloud for our history. We will also be continuing our study of division and a review on time. In English we will be focusing more on adjectives and parts of speech. We are starting to incorporate dictation in our studies and that is going very well. I have been bad about not making time for Science, so this week I’m planning on doing it twice as much to help get us caught back up.

  Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Next Monday on Veterans Day I have a friend bringing her three children from West Virginia (they are public schooled) to enjoy the day with us. They live in the city, so the farm will be an adventure! I hope the weather is nice…Five children outside is a lot more pleasant than five stuck inside!

  My favorite thing this week was…
Was getting a chance to catch up on some correspondence and sending some snail mail to some friends. I love imagining what they will think when it arrives in their mailbox.

  My kiddos favorite thing this week was…
Playing on the new corral system Love-of-My-Life and his father put in. The boys treated it as if it was a playground! LOL!

  Things I’m working on…
I volunteered to take over the information table and bulletin board at our local congregation, so I am busy planning how I’m going to renovate it. It seriously needed an update and ironically several of us all mentioned that we’d all been thinking the same thing. So I was more than happy to take over!

  I’m cooking…
Well I made some delicious pan seared baked venison steak and a fabulous loaf of bread. It was delicious and I’m going to type up my recipe (the bread!) and share it tomorrow with my new week of The Monday Munchies.

  A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…


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