January 28, 2014

Chats on the Farmhouse Front Porch for 1/28

Everyday Ruralty
1. Have you tried any DIY cleaning products or skin care products from the many recipes on the internet?
Yes! I love making my own cleaning supplies. I actually made two up on Sunday--my All Purpose Cleaner and my Grease Cutter (I will share those recipes soon as I mixed a couple recipes together to fit what I needed! It's about time to make my next batch of Laundry Detergent. I also have a great recipe for a sugar scrub that I'm going to be posting soon.

2. Do you like to enter sweepstakes, giveaways, or prize drawings?
If it's something I will definitely use or really want. And if it doesn't require me to do extra stuff. I figure that someone has to win, so why not me?! And I have won a few giveaways so I know it's possible!

3. How often do you visit your local library? Do you have a local library?
Oh yes. If you are a regular reader you know that our library is just 5 minutes away and it's very nice. They work with me to get me whatever I need for our homeschooling and I'm at the top of the list for reading new books. We visit about once a week. Usually on Friday when it's storytime.

4. Do you have a simple mobile phone or one that does lots of things?
I always joke that I have a NON-smart phone. We don't want to pay the price for the data plans to make it do all the bells and whistles. So we just use it for calling and text. That means it's also a lot cheaper to replace! LOL!

5. Tell me something new or interesting. Please:)
Hmmm. Something new or interesting. Well I'm getting ready to start my window sill herb garden. I've got to go out to my barn and bring in a few more mason jars. I want to get a jump start on having some fresh basil, thyme, cilatro and sage and I have the perfect window sills (wide, deep and facing the morning sun) for them. I've wanted to do this since I saw THIS PIN on Pinterest. (psst. while you there, why not follow me?!) After all of this deep freeze, I'm ready to get my green thumb active! I totally understand how our pioneer ancestors eagerly awaited their seed catalogs and poured over them all winter long to keep them thinking about the spring thaw to come!

Spring always comes...I am eager for it's arrival and itching to get my hands dirty again!


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