January 29, 2014

Homeschool Photo Journal of Second Grade and PreK

I owe all my readers a LOT of posts about how our homeschooling has been going this year. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to catch it all up with words. I did decide that I could give you a photo journal about what we've been doing...everyone loves pictures, right?!

So bear with me...this is going to be photo heavy!

I did try to separate it by subject to help you get a balance of what we've done throughout the year!


photo journal second grade english
Cursive work (Little Britches)
Little Britches will be finishing up the Pentime Transition 2 book this week and moving into his Pentime Cursive Level 3 book. His cursive is very well done and he has enjoyed learning how to write the letters.
photo journal preschool homeschool
Matching Letters for Words
 I had all these letters from an old curriculum a friend gave me. I laminated them and we use them to help Baby Britches build words. I copy down words and names that he knows and then he hunts for the letters to match. He sometimes needs a little help, but doesn't most of it on his own.
English (Little Britches)
 This is part of our First Language Lessons of a Well-Trained Mind Level 2 curriculum. He was building sentences using linking verbs with his nouns and adjectives.
photo journal homeschool preschool
ABC's (Baby Britches)
We've been working through the ABC's with Baby Britches. We aren't as consistent as I'd like to be with him, but I just maximize the learning time when he gives me his attention. I like to use worksheets from education.com for the alphabet.
photo journal homeschool preschool ABC
ABC's Baby Britches
 He's finding all the G's that are in the words on his page...
photo journal homeschool preschool ABC
ABC's (Baby Britches)
Here is the "B is for Bus" from the Royal Baloo Zoomin' Moving ABC's set. We love this set and it's our primary choice for worksheets for Baby Britches. Here he is stamping letters onto the bus.


photo journal homeschool second grade
History (Little Britches)
 Filling out his notebook page on Columbus for his history binder from My Father's World Second Grade.
photo journal homeschool history
Building wigwams
The boys enjoyed the study on Native Americans--especially building a wigwam. LOTS of glue. Make sure you use LOTS of glue. LOL!


photo journal homeschool science
Floating Boats
As part of our exploration of the pilgrims, the boys had to attempt to float some foil boats with straw masts.
Seeing how the water and air work together to keep a piece of paper from getting wet and all the water inside a cup.

Exploring water and salt. Will salt water float an egg?

By changing the shape of a piece of paper we can change how quickly it moves in the wind...and what better way to test that theory by having a race??
Hot air rises...and so it can make a paper snake wiggle if you get it in an updraft. He's as close as I'd let him get on his own...and thanks to the ceiling fan overhead, "my 'nake wiggle, Mommy!"


He is playing with all the colors on his palate


Decorating his Native American (bag) vest with stencils

Decorating his vest with his markers

 Adding leaf foam stickers to his woven placemat

 Weaving a placemat

A Foam Kit Turkey (found at the $1 store!)


Loves working with the corn and noodle box

Working with the Guidecraft 3D Feel and Find World Icons and Shapes. He loves matching these up and it's great for recognition skills.

I hope you enjoyed this little photo journal of things we have been working on! I plan on doing another one very soon as I just scratched the surface of our studies!


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