January 31, 2014

Random 5 for Friday Ramblings

So I just love taking a break for random ramblings, so I will be starting to join in with the weekly Random 5 on Friday postings!
Link up your Random 5!
1. Guess what? We actually had a warm day today!! Now, let me clarify. We have been in the single digits and sub-zero temps for the last two weeks or so. So the fact that today hit 40...an absolute HEAT WAVE!! LOL!

2. I made pizza last night. I used all the same ingredients that I did two weeks ago when my pizza was amazing. But last night it was almost...tasteless. It was so weird. Love-Of-My-Life thought the same thing and agreed that it was really really weird. He saw me cooking the sausage (yes we even used ground sausage!) in diced peppers and onions. But it was like I had just put plain old unseasoned meat on it! So weird. We aren't sure what happened...hopefully it never will again! It's such a bummer to be expecting this amazing explosion of flavor and then getting the blahs.

3. I have a love-hate relationship with blogging. I LOVE the responses I get. I LOVE sharing bits and pieces of my life here on the farm. But I hate the time it takes to keep it going! LOL! But I think I'm just warn out from last week's 5 day blog series....LOL! Don't worry. I'm not going to be stopping any time soon. It was just a bit of honesty. :0)

4. I still have to get a soup going for tomorrows evening social at church. I'm so grateful for crockpots!!!! I have a nice big one that is programmable and the normal small 3qt one. I love them both. And dinner tonight...Love-Of-My-Life requested steak. So I dug some out and will be doing that with baked potatoes, corn on the cob and biscuits. Quite tasty!

5. I am so happy because I found the PERFECT gift for my Little Britches birthday! Do you know about Zulily.com? They sell fabulous name brands in clothing, accessories, toys and games for children and moms at about 40-70% off. Well someone sent me a note that they just listed a ton of John Deere items. And since my boys are hardcore JD fans I decided to go peak. And I found the PERFECT GIFT!
Yeah!!! Farm-opoly! I've had this in my sights for quite awhile but it was always a bit too high. But it's on sale for a price I can do over at Zulily.com so I just had to get it for him. Between the fact that it's all John Deere and the little tractor player pieces to the buying of the equipment. Oh man. This one is going to quickly be a favorite for our family I'm sure. I am sure even DADDY will be wanting to pull this one out!

Have a most beautiful weekend! I have heard (haha) that it's Super Bowl Sunday this weekend. No one in our family really knew because we aren't football fans. But the irony is that we actually DO watch the Super Bowl. It's like this once a year tradition where we cheer for a team. LOL! I will naturally choose the Seahawks because I'm still in shock they made it...and they are from my home state so I HAVE to, right?!

Blessings and peace to you all!


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