February 18, 2014

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch #127

Everyday Ruralty

Have you been watching the Olympics?
No. I like to check the medal count. And I like to catch videos of performances. But this year we aren't watching anything. I did have to watch the ice dancing though. That always amazes me. I am so happy our couple finally snagged the gold!!

Does the grey winter affect your moods?
Mmm. Not very much I don't think. I'm a very positive person so I try to find the good and beauty in the grey. But I admit--there is a massive mood shift when the sun breaks through the clouds--like today! I'm all for the promise of Spring!

When was the last time you held a baby?
Oh let's see. A newborn? Last summer. It was heavenly. I'd love to be holding one of my own. But that doesn't seem to be in the immediate future plans for us right now according to God. But I will happily hold babies any time I can!

Do you do a thorough spring cleaning each year?
Yes and no. My house gets a cleaning as we deleaven in preparation for the Spring Feasts. But we don't go overboard or I tend to lose my focus on the purpose of it. So I save our spring cleaning for about May when I can have the windows open as I scrub them and do my floors and such. I love spring days like that, don't you?!

Please tell Wendell a bedtime story. He asked. I said I'd ask you.If you don't feel that creative, tell him a favorite book you think he might like. please:)
I don't have a story to tell...but I did finish a good book recently! You can read my thoughts A Match Made in Texas as part of my Fresh from the Bookshelf blogger book review series!


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