February 21, 2014

Random 5 on Friday~ Feb. 21

The Pebble Pond

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1. Today at the local library, it was Storytime. One of the books that was read was about a little creature that signed up for her first library card. After Storytime was over, another little girl and my baby britches went over and signed up for THEIR first library card! Baby Britches the book Snuggle Puppy as his very first book...he's pretty excited!

2. It's a baking day today! Our church Ladies Club is tomorrow and we always bring snacks. I am making some Biscones (LOVE these), a cheeseball (always requested by the senior ladies), some ice tea, and some deviled eggs. The weather has made almost 2 dozen of our farm fresh eggs cracked! We've had so many stuck to the bottom of the carton. And even after I picked out the 12 best eggs for boiling, the minute they hit boiling water at least 9 of them showed that they were cracked. Grrr. Oh well. They will still taste good!

3. Little Britches received his final birthday present in the mail today. My parents bought him the complete nine book boxed set of the Little House books. We had almost all of them, but they were old and yellow with torn brittle covers. My mom says that they were the ones she bought when I was 3 years old (!!!) and that they were used when SHE bought them! Needless to say we needed them and he was VERY happy to get them. I was too. I hated how brittle the pages were.

4. Did I mention it's sunny outside??? We've had about 3 straight days of sunshine and breeze. Okay. Actually it's windy. VERY windy. Poor Little Britches got the screen/glass door in his face thanks to the wind ripping it out of my hand and flinging it open. Last night we had a MAJOR storm roll through. It was thunder filled and the rain was coming down so hard we couldn't hear the TV! We have a metal roof over our porch so that makes it EXTRA noisy.

5. I was kinda of peeved about the loud rain because I was watching another Doctor Who episode. I am a late bloomer to the Doctor Who phenomenon. I finally was like--"Okay, I'll watch one episode and that's it." Um...Two Doctors and 42 episodes later........LOL! Seriously I can't explain it except that it's just so fun to watch! It's lighthearted and fun and quirky. Love-Of-My-Life watched 2 episodes with me at the start and then gave up. Then about 10 episodes ago he decided to give it a go again. He was shocked to see that there was a different doctor (had to explain that) and he admitted it was better. Like B rated sci-fi movie. But he tolerates it. LOL! Now I don't have to ask for it...he'll just turn it on. And I think he was frankly a bit miffed (though he won't admit it!) that I watched 3 episodes without him this week--since they were part 2 and 3 of the Season 3 finale and then the Season 4 premier. (snicker) But there was no way I could leave the poor Doctor hanging in a "to be continued..." state for that long! Well, I could have. But I felt like catching up.

[ETA: I don't watch much TV. In fact I don't even turn on the "live" news or even The Weather Channel unless my hubby is home and as soon as he leaves the house I turn it off. I only have one show--Doctor Who--that I personally enjoy and I watch it on Netflix. I have gone weeks without watching any shows...but it's nice to just have a show to enjoy now and then.]

That's a wrap! Have an excellent weekend!

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