May 28, 2014

Chats on the Farmhouse Frontporch #141~ May 28th

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What is your favorite berry?
Strawberries. LOOOOOVVVVE them. Which is why I don't mind that I have 12 quarts in my fridge to put up today...and that I already have made 4 containers of strawberry freezer jam and that I've already put up 2 gallon bags of whole berries in my freezer. I LOVE these luscious berries!

If you had the choice of a picnic or a sit down dinner, which would you choose?
Picnic! I love being outside and eating outside. It's just so casual and fun.

How is your handwriting? Fancy, plain, legible, doctor-like?
Rather plain and legible. Unless I get sleepy during church and am taking notes. Then it's like "What?"

Do you prefer a desk top computer, laptop, or tablet?
Laptop! We haven't used our desk top in almost a husband and I both have laptops and I now have my Kindle Fire HDX (on sale now for just $229!) which I love.

Tell me something interesting, please.
Well, tomorrow my parents who live in Washington state will be arriving to spend a week with us. We are going to Carter Caves, KY before they arrive though to explore a cave or two with my visiting Sister-in-law and her husband. We are having a "Sabbath at the Park" for church this week...all meeting in at a park pavilion for services and then a potluck/BBQ. It will be lovely!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the idea of having church outside! HOPE you have beautiful weather!


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