May 30, 2014

Random 5 on Friday ~ May 30th

The Pebble Pond
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1. Did I ever mention how much I love the transition from Spring to Summer? I love the cool 60 degree mornings, and then the delightfully warm 80 degree afternoons. I love doing my Bible Study on the front porch before the boys get up smelling the incredible rich fragrance of honeysuckle and hearing the sweet cacophony of birdsong. It makes me so thankful to be in rural America.

2. This year our summer is going to look differently. We typically take the summer months off (June/July) from homeschooling,but this year because of the Schoolhouse Review Crew, I have to keep doing a bit of school throughout the summer. I can tell you right now that I'm not sure how this is going to work. We are starting to hit a brick wall. He's so over school. Done with it. I fight with him almost daily to stay on task. We have a guaranteed week off the first week of August for summer camp...but that's a long ways away...Right now we have about 4 curriculum that are pretty work intensive and unfortunately all due within a week or two of each other which means we have to do them all at the same time. I promised him that once we get through these I will try to keep it easy....but he might need a meeting with the "principal" if you know what I mean.

3. I am going to enjoy trying out a new recipe today for Pink Lemonade Cupcakes. It is in my new Taste of Home magazine. It looks so refreshing and absolutely delicious with some pink lemonade concentrate for flavor, some strawberry jam, and a cream cheese frosting. Yum-O!

4. Grilling. We LOVE to grill. I am the grill master in my just sort of ended up that way because Love-Of-My-Life works all the way up to dinner time. But I enjoy grilling. I think I've gotten quite the knack for it. Tonight we have FIFTEEN of us for dinner, so it's going to be a combined effort. We are grilling chicken (lime marinade), with foil wrapped corn on the cob with a fresh cilantro/lime butter, baked potatoes, my twisted baquette loaves and fresh tossed salad. Delicious. Did I mention strawberries and ice cream?

5. We have an adventure planned for Sunday. We are going en masse (as in about 12-14 of us--my inlaws and my parents who are visiting) to visit Carter Caves. They are about 45 minutes away and lots of fun. You can go into the caves and take tours. There is also a place for children to "mine" gems in a mining creek. There is also a park with a public pool. Since it is supposed to be in the 90's this is going to be very delightful for the morning and to cool off. We plan on taking a picnic with us.

Have a fabulous weekend and finale to this marvelous month of May!

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