May 19, 2014

Kraken A.M.S. Case for Kindle Fire HDX from Trident Case (a product review)

As many of you know, I was blessed to be able to buy a Kindle Fire HDX earlier this year. I purchased a normal leather book style cover for it and I've been very happy with it, but when I was given the chance to try and review a new Kraken A.M.S. Case for Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7 by Trident Case, I jumped on the opportunity.
kracken trident case for kindle review

Who is Trident Case?

Trident Case Review
Trident Case is a company dedicated to providing the toughest cases available for the mobile device market. They provide cases for tablets and smartphones which meet military standard for vibrations, dust, sand, rain, and drop. The plastic that Trident Case uses for their products is also bio-enhanced making it degradable, compostable and recyclable--totally eco-friendly! Trident Case also prides itself on offering up to 81 color combinations to truly let you build your own case and is compatible for a broad range of devices including many of the top brands in smartphones and tablets!

I was given the Kraken A.M.S. Case for Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7 for my review. The case for these tablets consists of shock-absorbing silicone inner layer, covered by a hardened polycarbonate outer-casing, with a built-in screen protector to provide maximum protection. It is available in 7 different colors ranging from black to lime green and retails for $59.95. The Kracken case features enhanced audio using sound funnel technology and is shoulder strap compatible. The covers are for all ages, but there are some covers that will appeal more to each age group with their design and colors.

I chose the pink case for my Kindle Fire HDX 7. 

How Did I Use the Product?

As soon as my product came, I decided to try it out. I opened the package and discovered that there were no directions with the case in the package and no directions on the package itself. The case came needing to be opened; however, without directions I admit that it took me a little while to figure it out. The seal of the case pieces is very tight and I ended up using a knife to pop it open for me. 

Once it was opened, I found some directions inside the case. These directions were very simplistic and just showed photos on how to put the device into the inner foam case and then just snap it into the outer case.

It was not so easy. 

I had no trouble getting it in the black silicone foam case, and only a moment to fit it into the back part of the case, but it took nearly 20 minutes before I was able to get the plastic case itself completely closed around my Kindle.

The first attempt left me with two snaps that wouldn't close on the side by where my camera lens is. I took it back apart and discovered some places where some foam didn't lie straight in the hard case back. I fixed this and tried again. This time MORE snaps went into place, but I still had two (on either side of the camera lens) that would not latch. I grunted and groaned and white knuckled it trying to get them in. 

I ended up having to get a pair of pliers to grip it so I could shut it with a squeeze. My Kindle is now in...but I highly doubt it's coming OUT anytime soon. LOL! The hard case comes with a protective front cover piece made of plastic that fits over my screen. Once the Kindle is in the case, the Kindle can be used normally. 

I have done just about everything (except for dropping it) to test out it's capabilities. There is no trouble with plugging in either headphones or the charger with the case. I like that both are covered portals, but open easily. The buttons for the on/off and volume are even easier to find now, as they both stick up. I've had no troubles with any of my buttons.

I use my Kindle Fire HDX for music and audio books more than anything else, so I was very interested in testing out the enhanced audio feature. It works very well. In my other case, I could turn up the volume full and hear it throughout my kitchen/dining room, but it got very muted/muffled when I went beyond that point. 
My Old Case. Basic Leather Book Style
With the new case I can hear it much more clear from a greater distance. I've also discovered that you can increase the sound by flipping it speaker side up (making it face down). I took my Kindle Fire outside to the garden and even though I was completely outside, I could still hear my music from 30 feet away while working in my garden.

Trident Case Review
Baby Britches doing a Letter Trace App
I watched videos, used the internet, read books and let the boys play games with it. Everything worked just as it should without any problems. I've had just a slight issue with the touch screen on games like Doctor Who, or Frozen when you are making something change places. You have to touch it a little harder, but other than that it's fine.

What Are My Thoughts On The Product?

*Screen Protection
*Enhanced Sound
*Excellent Color Choices
*Camera Compatible for Kindle Fire HDX
*Shock Absorbent
*Makes it easier to use the power and volume buttons
*Thicker and easier to hold
*No cover case to keep in place
*Tight fit for device for extra protection

*Hard to get device into case w/limited directions
*Once you get it in, you basically won't want to fight to get it out
*Protective cover gets smudged very easily and I constantly have to wipe it off
*Dust gets under the cover and onto the screen
*Didn't come with a stand to prop it up
*Will Not Work on Regular Kindles--only the Kindle Fire HDX 7 and HDX 8.9

In summary, I love that the Kracken comes in so many colors and I was able to get my favorite color hot pink--it matches my phone now! My other case is just a plain Navy--my husband requested I get a "normal" color. Ha. Pink IS a normal color! :0)
I really like that it's very durable and with the lens cover I don't need to worry as much about little fingers on the glass or getting it scratched. The boys enjoy the way it feels in their hands a lot more now and say it feels more sturdy. 

Durability. While I didn't want to drop my Kindle on purpose to test it out, I feel that this case would definitely provide protection. It is a very hard plastic and with the Kindle nestled inside of a foam case within the plastic case, I would imagine it is a great shock absorber. I feel much better about allowing the boys to use the Kindle when it is in this case and know I won't freak out (as much!) if they would accidentally drop it.

Audio. The enhanced audio was a big draw for me and I am so happy that it truly does work. I love being able to hear my music and books more clearly, even when I'm outside.

I wish that my case had come with the stand and holder and it not be a separate accessory as I like standing my device up on my counter. The Kracken case doesn't stand up, or even prop up well. It's too slippery I guess. I will probably buy the stand for my cover, because I really do want one. The stand and holder is $19.95. It would be nice if the company offered a discount when you purchased a case and the stand.

I don't really like the protective screen cover, because it does seem to get a lot of dust underneath it and the smudges drive me nuts. But it's not enough of a bother for me not to use it or want to wrestle it open to take it out! LOL! 
You can see the dust...and some of it is under the plastic cover
Now that my review is over, I think I'm going to leave my Kindle Fire HDX in the case. I like that it's very bright colored making it possible to find it easily and the boys seem to be handling it much better without having the extra cover piece that folds over on my other case. 

Would I Recommend the Product?

Yes! Even though it took me awhile to get my Kindle inside, it is so sturdy and durable, that I feel like the Kracken AMS Case for Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7 by Trident Case is the tablet version of my husband's "indestructible" case he has for his smartphone. If he hadn't already purchased what he's currently using, I would have suggested he get a phone case from Trident Case

If you are wanting a case that will stand up to what life throws at your device...if you have children who will be regularly handling your device...if you plan on taking it outside...if you love listening to music or audiobooks--please consider purchasing a case for your device from Trident Case

Want to learn more about Trident Case?

You can find Trident Case on these social media sites to learn more and stay up to date on their new products and any specials they might have.

Are you interested in seeing if your device will work? Perhaps you are curious as to how it worked on a smartphone or iPad--make sure you head on over and see what my fellow crew mates thought of their cases!
Click to read Crew Reviews
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Have an excellent week! I will have another review for you, so make sure you check back in for an update--or sign up for receiving my blogs in your emails!
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