May 16, 2014

Random 5 on Friday~ May 16th

The Pebble Pond
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1. I made one of my favorite dinners: Oven BBQ Chicken using my mom's recipe with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. I didn't have a special drink (ie. sparkling cider or other sparkling 100% juice) so I created some using organic lemonade, sprite and fresh raspberries. The boys were delighted and I loved it too. I used one of my new tablecloths this evening too. I love our Friday night (Sabbath) dinners. It's the nicest dinner we eat all night.

2. I made Black Bottom cupcakes for our Women's Club at church tomorrow. It's basically dark chocolate with a cream cheese/chocolate chip center. DELICIOUS! I made a new rich chocolate frosting (the satin shiny kind) and that is just perfect for these cupcakes. 

3. I got tired of a pile of plates from breakfast on Saturday mornings after I work so hard to make sure everything is clean in my kitchen for Sabbath, so I bought nice paper plates to use. I figured since I would be the one cleaning up, I'm going easy. It's going to be a new tradition. 

4. I love stormy weather. As long as I can just stay home and be cozy, I love storms. I like to sit on my covered front porch under a blanket and just listen to it rain and storm. That brings me great happiness and contentment.

5. We have new homeschooling products to review over the next few months: History from Veritas Press, English/Science from Moving Beyond the Page, Writing with WriteShop and we are continuing our review of We Choose Virtues. Next week I will be sharing my review of my Trident Kracken Case for my Kindle Fire HDX (Monday). We are almost done with our My Father's World Adventures in US History. Just a few more weeks...3 I think. We've been enjoying slowing down on it as we worked in things we were reviewing. But I'd like it done. We are just a few activities away from completion...once it's done we will only be using review material during the summer, giving us some delightful partial days!

Well, I hope you all have a delightful weekend! I am going to enjoy being with my boys and hopefully it will stop raining enough on Sunday to get round 2 of my beans and lettuce planted! Right now it's just a big mud pit if you step in the garden Though the lettuce is loving this weather...

We were blessed with fresh strawberries and lettuce from a man down the road who has a rainsed hot bed. He's ALREADY enjoying fresh goodies! I'm so jealous...
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