June 19, 2014

Chats On The Farmhouse Porch #144

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I forgot to get this posted yesterday--but here are my answers to the questions at the Everyday Ruralty Link-Up! I always love these chats, don't you?!

Do you like lemon-aid? Any special flavors?
I prefer old fashioned lemonade. I make my own to adjust the tartness as I like mine sweet, but I need it to be tart and tangy on my tongue. I use organic lemon juice and organic raw sugar. I love love love strawberry or raspberry lemonade. Ooh. I actually have both of those fruits. Yep need to make me some fresh lemonade today! It IS in the 90's today.

How many place settings of silverware(eating utensils) could you come up with?
Um. I think that I own enough for a setting of 12 complete sets. They won't all match mind you...but I do have 12 complete sets.

Have you ever been to a party in a barn?
YES! It was simply lovely. My sister-in-law got married here on the farm. The guests sat on haybales for the ceremony and then we all transitioned over to the open air barn where we had it decorated so lovely and rustic. It was simply delightful and if I was getting married I would SO copy her idea!

Do you wear nail polish?
Yes. Especially on my toes. They never go bare. I am not so good about keeping up with my nails as I use my hands all day long and I CAN'T STAND chipped polish. I just finished up a review of those new fad Jamberry nail wraps. The challenge was to use one Jamberry wrap on one fingernail and then paint the rest of your nails with your favorite polish. Than take a photo of Day 1 and then another photo on day 7 to compare.

Please finish this sentence. I wish I could__________________.
I wish I could...snap my fingers and have all my schedules and planners filled in exactly how they need to be for our upcoming school year. It's tedious to fill it all out...but as I learned this past year--oh so worth it! I will share soon what my planning for 2014-2015 is looking like!

I am ALMOST finished with planting my garden--we have a lot growing already. But I'm afraid it's not growing as well as did last year because we waited a bit longer to plant--thanks to our SLOWLY RECEDING WINTER--but in our area you can keep planting most things throughout June. We have a nice long growing season. I will share a gardening post soon with photos...

I hope you all have a lovely Thursday! It's H-O-T and Humid here!

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