June 3, 2014

Kinder Cottage Publishing (a Product Review)

 Our family is a book loving family and having the opportunity to review two books from Kinder Cottage Publishing was perfect! We had our choice from their Peter Rabbit series and my boys decided to pick Peter Rabbit at the Farm and How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea.

What is Kinder Cottage Publishing?

Kinder Cottage Publishing is a family run business devoted to providing quality books--especially classic stories--for parents to use to teach their children. Two of their most popular selections are the classic Wizard of Oz and Peter Rabbit series. I had the pleasure of getting to pick two of the books from the Peter Rabbit series to review.
There are 10 books in the Peter Rabbit series and each book has the suggested retail of $12.95, but the books are available for just $4.00 each through Kinder Cottage Publishing.

We picked book #2 Peter Rabbit at the Farm and #4 How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea to review.

Each of the Peter Rabbit books is a beautiful hardcover adaptation of an original book published by Henry Altemus Company in 1917. The color illustrations and text were very carefully and faithfully preserved. Each of these books are roughly 5 x 7 and about 60 pages long. The ideal age for the books are age 3-9, though readers of all ages can appreciate them.

How Did We Use the Product?

These were just books, so we enjoyed just diving right into them! I started off having Little Britches read them to himself since I thought they were written at a reading level he was at. At first he grumbled, but began enjoying the stories.
 He little to no trouble with the books, so I think they are definitely at a reading level of a 2-3rd grader. He did run into a few words he didn't know (persimmons was one), but nothing that made him frustrated.
I promise my child has pants without holes...he just seems to be wearing play pants whenever I want to take a photo! LOL!
Baby Britches was able to enjoy them when either Little Britches or I would read them. He knows that they came together and Peter Rabbit at the Farm references our other book, so he always demands that we read both of them--How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea first. We have read them multiple times now and both boys can pretty much tell anyone the stories now. They are mainstay books on our living room coffee table.

What Are Our Thoughts on the Product?

Both boys are fans of the books and like to read them regularly. Little Britches favorite book is "How Peter Rabbit went to Sea because Peter Rabbit gets a spanking from Old Mother Rabbit for being naughty. I think it's funny to have a rabbit get spanked." Baby Britches favorite book is "Peter and the boat. A crab grabs him like this on the tail (demonstrates) and the pokey fish goes chop-chop and cuts the crabs leg off."

Translation: He likes How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea because he likes the part when Peter gets his tail/leg grabbed by Johnny Crab but a swordfish cuts the crabs leg off so Peter can get free.

I like the books because they are hardcover, classic stories, classic illustrations, and smaller in size for little hands. The stories are very sweet with a bit of humor and they are fun to be used for read-alouds or for free reading for your child.

Would I Recommend Kinder Cottage Publishing?

I would recommend Kinder Cottage Publishing. I love that they are trying to preserve classic stories. I would enjoying having a few more of the Peter Rabbit series and at just $4 a book, it's definitely doable. I am also interested in their Wizard of Oz series as well as their new history biography series for primary and elementary aged students.

I would note that you shouldn't be expecting the more familiar (and popular) illustrations of the Peter Rabbit characters...this series (while having similar and sometimes identical storylines--courtesy of a lack of copyright way back in the early 1900's) has very different illustrations that are still very beautiful.

Would You Like to Learn More About Kinder Cottage Publishing?

Our family reviewed just two of the ten books in the Peter Rabbit series...why not hop on over (I couldn't resist! LOL!) and see what the other members of my crew had to say about THEIR books?
Click to read Crew Reviews
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Have a delightful week! I have several more reviews coming up this month, so make sure you add me to your email (you can subscribe using the box in the sidebar) or keep up with what's going on with me over on Facebook!

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