August 15, 2014

Back to Homeschool Blog Hop: Day 5 ~ My 10 Favorite Homeschooling Blogs

It's Friday and that means it's Day 5 of the Back to Homeschool Blog Hop. It's been a great week and there have been so many incredible things that were blogged about! I hope you had a chance to check out some of the other blogs participating in this weeks hop...but if you didn't, here is the anchor post so you can see the other 49+ bloggers.

Looking back on this week I've spoken about homeschool essentials, my five favorite online resources, steps to pick a curriculum, and lesson planning methods. As a close to this blog hop, I decided that I would share links to ten of my favorite homeschooling blogs--the blogs on this list are ones that I regularly visit and I believe they help me out a lot in encouragement, ideas and resources and I hope they will help you out too!
homeschool blogs

The links on this blog and in the posts may be affiliate links

There are so many incredible homeschool related blogs out there. I could easily say there are easily several hundred--maybe even a thousand or more. But there are some blogs which draw me time and time again because of their content and writing style. Some of them I go to for encouragement more than anything else. Some I use as a resource. Others offer regular printables or downloads which are useful to my curricula. 

I have narrowed them down to my top ten choices...not an easy task I assure you! These are the blogs I find myself visiting the most and I hope that you will be able to find them just as valuable as I have.

This blog is a lesser known blog....but I absolutely adore it. Anna, the owner of this blog, is a personal friend and a mom of soon-to-be six. Anna's blog is devoted to sharing about life on the farm up in Michigan, life as a SAHM, life as a homeschooler, her focus on the Charlotte Mason method, sharing recipes to encourage healthy eating, and encouraging moms in general. She has an excellent regular series called Mothering Mondays and has hosted several book clubs. She shares a passion of reading "living" books and regularly hosts small giveaways to share "favorites" with her readers.

Where My Treasure Is is a blog that I turn to for encouragement regularly and I hope that you will consider joining her readership!

This is a fairly well known blog in the homeschooling world--especially if you have ever used the FIAR (Five-In-A-Row) curriculum. But I love this blog for more than that--I love it because #1 Michelle has become a dear friend, #2 Michelle shares her heart in her NON-homeschooling posts, #3 Michelle shares such an incredible glimpse of life in their homeschool that I want to come and homeschool in HER classroom! Did I mention she regularly shares about their meals and with the photos she posts, I just want to lick the screen of my laptop? (ooops, did I just say that out loud?)  

I have pinned many of Michelle's posts because of the ideas she shares, her recipes and just the fun that they seem to be having. If you have yet to visit Delightful Learning, make sure you head on over soon!

Dusty is the author of this blog and she has turned her blog into a must-have for me. She has reviews of so many different products in the homeschool world that I have regularly turned to them to help make decisions. She shares a lot of great recipes--especially her ABC series on Homemade Playdough. (Her playdough recipes by the way makes the best ever.) She is passionate about her walk as a Christian and her faith shines off her blog. She has recently been creating some really useful printable packs that she offers her readers for free.

If you haven't been To the Moon and Back (teehee) I hope you will consider visiting soon! (especially since she's in the Back to Homeschool Blog Hop this week!)

Jill is the author of this fun and helpful blog. Jill regularly features guest posts and provides valuable product reviews. She is also the owner of  E.H.M Members Only Store which I spoke about on Tuesday as being one of my five favorite online resources. She regularly adds new curriculum and printables to her shop and I love that for just $15 you can have access to anything she's ever created and will create--forever. She just created a colorful and fun Back to School Activity Pack. She is passionate about learning and adores books. She is the founder of the Poppins Book Nook book club and host of the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop every Monday.

I hope you will pop on over and check out her blog and say hello!

If you are seeking out a host of free printables for the elementary age--especially pre-school and kindergarten, I highly recommend the COAH blog! She has a complete kindergarten curriculum which I have used several things from. If you want something for the older students she has some great unit studies--we will be using her artist and composer lapbook studies this year. We are also going to be using her literature lapbooks with our read-aloud books. She has some incredible stuff that I have always found very useful. She blogs about other things too and I find her blog to be very helpful and encouraging.

I come to the Schoolhouse Review blog when I need more information about curriculum. The Schoolhouse Review blog is devoted to bringing homeschoolers reviews on new and old product and curriculum and have a 100+ team of homeschool moms to make it happen. I also enjoy the guest posts (I did one!) and other extras the blog shares.

I had the pleasure of meeting the owners Wendy and Leann in Cincinnati this past April. This is a must-have blog because of the full spectrum of topics that they blog's definitely NOT just about homeschooling! The bloggers who share here are "real" and share things that are very relevant to life as a homeschool mom. I find a lot of encouraging posts here about just being a mom, about battling the challenges of homeschooling in a public school world and much much more!

If you have a PreK to 3rd grader this is the blog for you! Erin is a genious with creating fun and exciting educational packs in crazy fun themes. One of our favorites is her Zoomin' Moving Alphabet. She also has a very very popular Frozen themed activity packs that your Frozen lovers are sure to enjoy. 

9. 1+1+1=1

Here is another blog that has fabulous free packs for the preschool and kindergarten ages...even tot school! I love her daily binder for the kids as well as her Raising Rock Stars curriculum. She includes a lot of biblical studies including copywork and scripture memorization. I have pulled from her printables many times and planned on incorporating a lot of her stuff into Preschool this year.

This is a blog by a friend named Marcy. I love this blog, because not only does Marcy share homeschooling tips, reviews and product links...but she shares her heart. It's another one of the encouraging blogs that I love to visit. She recently began an adventure into using essential oils which I've been enjoying reading about. This mama adores her family and it shows in all that she shares in her posts. I have pinned a lot of her posts to come back to later. I have met Marcy in real life and she's just as sweet and "real" as she comes across on her blog!
These are only ten of the incredible blogs out there...but these are ten that I feel are absolutely worth your time and attention. I believe all of them have email subscription available so that you never miss a post. I like finding a new post from these blogs in my email because it's always going to be something good!

I hope that you will take the time to visit them--or maybe just ones you haven't visited before--and I hope that they bring you as much joy as they bring me!

Back to Homeschool Blog Hop
There are 50+ bloggers more bloggers in this blog hop---here are a few to to get you started! I've seen some of what is being blogged about and it's going to be a great week!

Marcy @ Ben and Me
Jacquelin @ A Stable Beginning

And don't forget about the INCREDIBLE (and I do mean that in every sense of the word) giveaway that is going on this week--there are two HUGE prizes that are sure to bless two homeschool families for the new school year. You can get the details about the giveaway--and get entered to win here:
Back to Homeschool Giveaway
Well this is the end of a great week! I am looking forward to the weekend and a blogging break...until next week when I am bringing you three product reviews! Enjoy your weekend and I hope to see you back here on Monday!
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