August 18, 2014

Wizzy Gizmo: Fast Track Bible Pack (Product Review)

Do you enjoy doing studies of the books in the New Testament? I have recently been doing whole book studies--focusing on the letters of Paul--and it's a great study. When I'm done however, it can be hard to remember the pertinent details of the books...ESPECIALLY if you've been reading a lot of them! I always thought it would be nice to have a "cheat sheet" of sorts to help remember what each book was about. Enter in the Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament from Wizzy Gizmo! I was excited to have a chance to review this product and share how it worked for me!

Product Information

The Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament is a bible study product produced by Wizzy Gizmo. Wizzy Gizmo is a company devoted to creating products to help teach the Bible and do it in a way that is fun and will help the information stick. The Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament is a set of flashcards--27 of them measuring a nice jumbo size of 5" x 9". Each colorful flashcard is about a book of the New Testament and they are numbered in order with Matthew being #1 and Revelation being #27. 
Wizzy Gizmo Review
The Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament sells for $14.95 and is geared for ages 2 and up! 

The front of each card has a general summary about the book of the Bible including who wrote the book, when it was written, who it was written for, why it was written,what the general theme was and shares a key verse from the book. 

The back of the card goes into more details, breaking the book down into an outline of the book, key doctrines, key people, key chapters, key passages and a reminder of the theme.

The flashcards were created to help all ages to remember more about the books of the Bible they are studying!

How Did We Use the Product?

There are lists of great ways to use this product on the Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament product page--breaking it down by ages. These are great ideas and I pulled some from both the ages 2-5 suggestions and the 6-8 suggestions. We started off by just looking through the cards. Little Britches was fascinated to see there was one for each of the NT books. 

The next time we used the product I mixed up the cards and had Little Britches put them in order. Fortunately, he hadn't seen that each card was numbered and instead sang the song he learned for the New Testament books of the Bible to help him.

I plan on using the same mix-up idea for Baby Britches to help him with numbers...only, I will show him where the numbers are and have him put them in numerical order since he can't read yet. 

From here on out we picked a card to read...sometimes doing it in the morning, but usually we read them before bed. I would read the front of the card (the summary) and share what the key scripture was. Sometimes Little Britches recognized them. We spoke about who the writer was and about where on our timeline he was when he wrote it. 

When we would read the card again, I would flip it over and read who the key people were for each book. We then would say the key passage together. 

We didn't do the cards in order--I let them pick the ones they wanted to do. 

Before introducing a new card, we would review the card we had studied previously. The main things I decided I wanted them to know were the main theme, the writer, and the key people. The cards are laid out so clearly that it is easy to find these things.

What Are Our Thoughts on the Product?

I think this is an excellent product for assisting in Bible Study. These ARE "cheat sheets" or rather CliffsNotes (remember those?! LOL!) for each book of the New Testament. For the ages the boys are right now, there is much more information than I really think they need, but it is EASY to pick out the things I want them to remember. As they get older, we will be able to pull these cards out and add more to what they learn.

I like that the cards are colorful and large. The font on the front (where the main writing is) is very easy to read and Little Britches was able to read most of it to me himself. I like that the cards are numbered too. 

The back of each card was interesting to ME! I love the way that they are sectioned out and found that they were pretty accurate to the doctrines of my own faith. I immediately pulled out the cards for the books I most recently studied and compared my bible study notes to those on the card.

I liked the reference page included on the cover card for the pack...
The cover card has each book listed numerically with the theme, date (it was written), author and how many chapters it has. This is a good reference page.

Any cons?
There is a lot of writing on these cards and because of that I can't just "give" the cards to Little Britches to study. Right now I will have to study them with him. 

From what I can see thus far, I've only had to make very minor revisions to the information on the card--and that is just to match what we believe in our faith. Someone else may not make these same revisions--so I don't consider this a major con at all.

The information and scripture was taken from the New American Standard Bible. I always prefer the Old or New King James Version because I think it is more accurate, but I don't think that it's a very big deal on these cards. 

Would I Recommend This Product?

Yes! In fact, I've actually taken them to church with me to show our pastor and some of the members. They are VERY interested in the product and it looks like we will be placing a group order for some. As a little side note, I contacted Wizzy Gizmo about this and they offered me a GREAT discount for a large order--so you may consider this if you want to order some for gifts or for your own church fellowship!

I think these would be GREAT gifts for a bible school or for a graduation gift to teens in your congregation. 

I plan on continuing to use these cards throughout my own bible study and will continue to incorporate them in our studies with the boys. Now I'm wanting a pack for the Old Testament!!

Want to Know More?

I reviewed the Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament ($14.95) by Wizzy Gizmo. We loved this product, but this isn't the only product for bible study that Wizzy Gizmo carries! Come check out the reviews from my fellow crew members on some of their other products--and see how others used the Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament in their home!
Click to read Crew Reviews

Stay up to date on Wizzy Gizmo's new products and special sales using their social media outlets:

Aren't those cards great? I think they are going to be an asset for our home for years to come! Tomorrow I have another great product review to share with you, so I hope you will come back and see me again!
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