January 8, 2015

New Year, New Adventures

Long time no see? It's been what? Since last year? LOL! Seriously though, I hope you ALL are having a good 2015 so far. I just wanted to check in to share a few of what's coming up for the rest of the month. 

First off, I have a couple recipes headed your way. A Soft Gingerbread Cookie that I created by tweaking a Soft Molasses Cookie when I discovered I didn't have all the right ingredients. The result was an absolutely delicious soft cakey cookie that was just addicting! I think I ate 5 as soon as they came out of the oven! Anyways, I have the recipe written up, I just need to write up a post to go with it to share my photos and SUPER easy steps.

The other recipe is for some delicious Oven Fried Potatoes that are perfect for when you are craving french fries. Being oven fried, they are MUCH healthier for you, and frankly a lot tastier. My mom shared the recipe with me and I had forgotten how delicious and easy they were. The first time I made them for my in-laws, my father-in-law devoured them. Took 3 helpings. And then I found out he loved them as a breakfast side as well! They are definitely a big hit here and I hope that you will like them as much as we do. 

I also am getting ready to host a week long Medicine Cabinet Makeover event on Facebook. I am leaving the settings public so you my readers can find it if you are interested...but I will be changing that come Monday January 12th (2015) as soon as the class starts. So if you are interested in finding out how you can revamp your medicine cabinet and swap things out for alternatives options like essential oils, essential oil products and/or homemade versions of your most used products. The event starts on Monday January 12th and will run through Friday January 16th (2015). There will be a LOT of information shared, a few giveaways and samples! I hope that if you will come and join us!

I have already been notified of at least one of my new products for our new year with The Old Schoolhouse Review crew. I've signed up for a couple more that look pretty awesome and have peaked ahead to see the partial list of what is in store for us. Many popular names in the homeschool world are there (Memoria Press, Apologia, Institute of Excellence in Writing (IEW), etc. ) as well as some other companies that are new to me and maybe you as well, but I am so excited to share everything with you! I'm hoping I can find some real treasures like we did last year!

Did you read my year end summary yet? I put together a list of the top posts for each month last year so you can see what kind of things were the most popular among my readers. It's a lovely mix of this and that, and includes many of my favorite posts I've shared this year.

And I've signed on for another year of being a part of the enchanted Poppins Book Nook Book Club--we have had a lovely time this last year, sharing books and activities around a monthly theme and we are gearing up for another year! This month's theme will go LIVE as usual on the last Monday of the month...and this month's theme is "To the Laboratory!". I'm still working out what this is going to translate into for us book and activity wise, but I've got several things..on the back burner. (wink)

Last but none the least, it's starting to be that time...when you start ordering your seeds for the new gardening season! I have four...yes FOUR heirloom, non-GMO seed catalogs that I'm lusting over right now. I am really looking to expand my herbs and flowers this year to help bring in some more pollinators for our garden. I am also looking forward to being adventurous in some of our vegetables this year. I am eager to share how things are going in my planning and what I've got my eyes on--so my Adventures in Gardening series will be kicking off for 2015 again soon.

Lots of goodies in store and it all begins this month! So stay tuned and make sure you join my email newsletter so you don't miss any announcements or new posts! You can also (as usual) find me on my Farm Fresh Adventures Facebook page. I always love seeing new faces there!

Have a simply excellent remainder of your week and lovely weekend! Stay warm!

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