December 31, 2014

The Most Popular Farm Fresh Adventures Posts for 2014

We are one day away from flipping our calendars to the new year. It's exciting to think about everything that might happen in 2015--kinda scary too. But it's always good to reflect back on the year before to keep it all in perspective. I thought it would be fun to share a summary of the posts that you the readers enjoyed the most for each month this past year as we say goodbye to 2014!
most popular posts for Farm Fresh Adventures 2014


The most popular post for this month according to my readers was a Homeschool Mother's Journal post that I wrote on January 5th. Interestingly enough it was just a post of rambling...but I guess those are quite enjoyable to a lot of you! 

The next most popular for the month was a series I did on the 5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials. Many of these posts are still very popular--have you read them yet?


My most popular post for this month was my review that I did on On how we loved this program! I look forward to getting it again when Baby Britches is in about 1st grade. It was one of our favorite things we did for the year. I laugh at the fact that the second most popular post for the month was one I did talking about my love-hate relationship with teaching science. Do you know why teaching science is my Waterloo?


Devoting a post to things that I was working on with Baby Britches appealed to many of you, for my Preschool: Checking in with Baby Britches was the most popular for the month of March. 


In April, it was the recipes that got attention! Participating in the 5 Days Of...series with my focus on Favorite Family Recipes was a big hit. So which recipe snagged the largest draw? The recipe for my favorite Beef Tacos!


My review of Logic of English snagged the top spot for May. It's a great program and we are using it as part of our third grade curriculum for spelling.

A Poppins Book Nook post snagged the next most popular spot...Folktales, Tall Tales and Fables {oh My!}. We really enjoyed the books we read that month!


This month's top post was my review of Go Science DVD's! These DVD's were full of great science experiments and we enjoyed replicating a couple of them!

Another hot post was actually another one of my reviews--this time of the Veritas Press Self-Paced History curriculum. We ADORED this program--we still do! The boys love doing it and are begging for me to get the next one for them once they complete this one.


July's hottest post was my Moving Beyond the Page curriculum review. This was such a hard review to write because there was SOOO much to say. I only scratched the surface of what this program offered. Definitely the most complex thing we reviewed this past year.

The second most popular post was also a review...this time a review of the awesome writing program WriteShop Primary Book A. This program was easier than my son needed, but we were able to tweak it to make it work wonderfully for us. And it inspired me to go ahead and invest in another book in the series for use later.


The top posts for August were all part of my Back to Homeschool Blog Hop series--with my post all about Lesson Planning snagging the top spot. In this post, I shared lesson planning ideas from a whole bunch of my homeschooling friends to show a nice spectrum of ideas.


September is a time for going back to school so it wasn't surprising that my post sharing our 2014-2015 Curriculum for Third Grade snagged the top spot. You can read all about our curriculum for Pre-K in another popular post.

The second most popular post was my review on the absolute phenomenal audio drama Under Drake's Flag. Little Britches loved this product and asks to listen to it whenever we are in the car...he's hoping so hard that we are chosen to review the next installment in the collection In Freedom's Cause next year!


Hands down, the top post for October was another Poppins Book Nook post with a collection of books, activities and crafts to help you enjoy exploring space with your children. I had fun putting that one together.


I explored a new type of post this month and got a great response with my post focusing on the Linden Flower with my natural remedy for a tea to help fight coughs. It was fun to see it so well received and I look forward to exploring more in this line for 2015. 


December isn't over yet...okay. So it is today. But it is easy to see that the most popular post this month is easily going to be my recipe for Quesadilla Casserole!  

So there you have it. My biggest posts for each month of 2014. I think there was a nice variety and showcased what my blog is all about. Looking back over what everyone likes to read really helps me decide what direction I'm going to go each year. 

Do you have an idea for something you like me to talk about or share over the upcoming year?? Do you want to see more of something: recipes? Gardening? Natural Remedies? Book Reviews? Ramblings? Homeschooling? 

Let me know in the comments what you enjoy reading about!

Have an awesome final few hours of 2014 and get ready to welcome in 2015! It's guaranteed to be another grand adventure here on the farm!
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