July 28, 2015

With Lee in Virginia~ A Civil War Story of Courage, Honor, and Duty {Product Review}

We have been blessed to be able to have reviewed Under Drake's Flag and In Freedom's Cause--audio dramas from Heirloom Audio Productions. These two stories, wet our whistle for all things G.A. Henty, and we were eager to get our hands on the latest of his stories to be adapted for audio theater by Heirloom Audio Productions to review...With Lee In Virginia.
With Lee In Virginia: Product Review

Product Information

With Lee In Virginia is the third audio drama from Heirloom Audio Productions. It's adapted from the book, With Lee in Virginia by G. A. Henty. The story is set during the Civil War and follows 15 year old Vincent Wingfield as he eagerly joins the cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia. He soon finds himself side by side with the likes of great  Confederate generals including Robert E. Lee and "Stonewall" Jackson. He learns about what true Christian duty looks like from being around these men and it forces him to take a stand for his country and everything he holds dear--even if it costs him his own life. 

Brought to life with an incredible full original score by Emmy winning composer John Campbell, and voiced by an all star cast including Sean Astin (Lord of the Rings, Rudy), Kirk Cameron (Fireproof, Monumental, Left Behind series), Brian Blessed (Star Wars, King Lear) and more...this audio theater production is a must have!

With Lee in Virginia is a 2 1/2 hr production geared for ages 6 to adult.

With your purchase of With Lee In Virginia Single Package ($29.97 plus shipping/handling) you will also get access to the eStudy Guide and Discussion starter (digital), a printable copy of the inspirational quote by Robert E. Lee (digital), and the official With Lee in Virginia Soundtrack MP3 download. 

I received With Lee in Virginia (with special bonuses) to review with my family.

How Did We Use This Product?

I admit. We love what Heirloom Audio Productions has done thus far, and we were eager to dive into With Lee in Virginia when it came. Little Britches was especially interested since he had done a pretty extensive study during history this year over the time of the Civil War. When it showed up, we all did a dance.

The easy thing about this product, is you simply pop it into your CD player and begin. The soundtrack immediately fills your mind with a historic time period as you are taken back to where the story begins. My boys liked to play with their toys while they were listening at home, so it was easy to just go for it.

When we began, I pulled up the eStudy Guide and Discussion starter on my Kindle, so I could follow along and ask questions about the story. This new guide now has track numbers noted on the questions so it is easy to figure out what questions go with what part of the story. It was easy to get the download, as I simply visited the link included with my CD and then downloaded from it to my device. I like being able to have it pulled up on my Kindle for quick reference.

As we went along, it was easy to see that Little Britches just wanted me to leave him alone to enjoy the story, so we stopped pausing the story, and I just let him listen.

I really liked that in this study guide, there was a map at the beginning noting the different places from the story so that your child could follow along. And I always like how the study guide is laid out with questions from the story, vocabulary AND extra discussion questions.
Map for You to Follow Along With

from the eStudy Guide and Discussion Starter
Though we were given access to several bonuses, I chose to only use the eStudy Guide at this time. I do plan on reading the With Lee in Virginia eBook in the future.
All the Special Bonuses I received--and are available with purchase of the Family Four-Pack Package

What Are Our Thoughts on This Product?

As with our other Heirloom Audio Productions audio dramas, we love it. Little Britches really listens to the story because he is an audial learner, so he retains so much from what is shared. He remembered studying about many of the battles and men mentioned, which made him enjoy it even more.

I thought it clever that the CD's were blue and grey, matching the colors of each army. I thought the photographs/graphics were stunning and high quality. It added a lot having real historic photos to look at as we went through the study guide. To be able to put real faces with the famous men. I loved that it worked for my Kindle AND my iPhone 6 so I could always have it with me, even if we took the CD's to the car.

Any cons?
Well, I guess my one con is from a frugal family side...paying $30 for this fabulous product, even WITH the special bonuses, is going to be out of the price range of some. It would be mine. But I know that there will be specials offered by companies where you will be able to find it on sale--so keep your eyes open! It will be well worth the money spent--especially if you are homeschooling and like to add in extra historical goodies.

Would I Recommend This Product?

Definitely! Not only will you and your family learn more history, but the deep faith of these men who shaped our history is explored and brought out. These audio dramas are so perfect for long car rides and I have yet to hear one at a higher caliber than what Heirloom Audio Productions has produced!

Want to Know More?

We reviewed the audio theater drama With Lee in Virginia from Heirloom Audio Productions. You have seen what our thoughts were on the product, but what did the other reviewers on my team think? How did they use the study guide and extra materials? Make sure you visit and find out!
With Lee in Virginia Audio Drama Review
To stay in touch with the latest news from Heirloom Audio Productions, please follow them at these social media sites:


We are so happy to now have three of these incredible productions in our inventory, and they will be great for us to pull out and listen to when we go on our big road trip later this year to Jekyll Island, GA!
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