August 9, 2015

Are You Ready for a Back to Homeschool Blog Hop?

It is that time of year again--school is starting! All around the nation, children are getting their new supplies together and climbing into that big yellow bus to kick off a new year! In some homes, it might not be about the yellow bus, but it's still definitely back to HOMEschool time! This means that it's time for our 2015 Back to HOMEschool Blog Hop to get you in the mood for all things school!

Mark your calendars - 10 to 14 August - it's time for this years Homeschool Blog Hop.  The
Schoolhouse Review Crew
will be joining forces with Homeschool Blogging Connection to bring you a week full of back to school encouragement.

We have 56 homeschool Mom's sharing their combined wisdom and insights covering everything
Homeschool related. That's 280 posts of encouragement and information just for you!

Meet Your Back to Homeschool Blog Hop Hosts

Marcy @ Ben and Me

Rebecca @ Raventhreads
Annette @ In All You Do

Aurie @ Our Good Life
Katie @ DailyLife
Melissa @ Mom's Plans
Annette @ A Net In Time

Crystal @ Crystal Starr
Shawna @ Tenacity Divine
Jacquelin @ A Stable Beginning 

I can't wait to see what all of these ladies have in store for us this week! I am still finalizing my own list of what I am going to talk about, but it will DEFINITELY include anything related to how we school here on the farm! As I finalize my topics, I will add them here at this anchor post for you to keep track of! There is also going to be a fabulous GIVEAWAY--so stay tuned so you can learn more about what's up for grabs!

I will see you tomorrow as we kick off this great week!

Day 1: It's all about the Prep
Tips from a hardcore procrastinator [aka. me!] on ways you can make your homeschool year easier

Day 2: Tips for Rookie Homeschoolers from Veteran Homeschoolers
It is exciting and a bit scary to be starting a homeschooling adventure--let some homeschooling veterans share tips that might make it a little easier for you as you get started.

Day 3: What Picking Curriculum REALLY Looks Like in My House
You always hear about how excited moms are to be deciding on curriculum. Well in my house, deciding on curriculum is the equivalent of a state of organized chaos until it's done! Come see how UNorganized the process can be! It's my confessional!

Day 4: Four Important Lessons I've Learned from Four Years of Homeschooling
Out of all the things that I have learned about homeschooling--four lessons jump out at me, and it's interesting to see that they tie into each of the four years we've got under our belt. Come see if you can relate to these lessons!

Day 5: What's the Scariest Part About Homeschooling?
Did you know that every homeschool mom has something she fears relating to homeschooling? Well I have a confessional from 10+ moms on the top thing (or things) that scare them about the homeschooling adventure! Is your fear on anyone's list?

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