December 1, 2015

Feasts Around the World {Poppins Book Nook}

Another Monday came and went--and being that it was the last one in the month of November, it was time for a new theme for Poppins Book Nook. This month the theme was Feasts Around the World. I had such a crazy busy month that I wasn't able to even get you together any book lists about this theme--but fortunately for you, there were several in my team who did! So please make sure you check out what my other team members came up with, so you can get some new ideas for books, activities and/or printables!

We will be taking the month of December off, but join us again (and hopefully I WILL be joining) the last Monday in January 2016 for the next Poppins Book Nook theme! Have a lovely day!

 photo lisa siggy_zpsfhtaqygf.png

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